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It always seems to come back. Dark, damp, and typical. It would spread quickly. Before I realized anything was wrong, the snowy white walls would be engulfed by the hazardous film. I would try to wipe it away and add a new layer of paint to make everything better.

No one will know its there if they can't see it, right? But after a while, it came again.

It started to seem normal, comforting even. It being there would give me an excuse. I started to give it more and more things to consume. It put me in a trance, I would be lying if I said I did not find some joy in having it there. It gave me a porpoise,  something to talk about. But somthing started to feel wrong.

I felt a pit in my stomach.  I realized that for the past 2 years I had been doing nothing. I had been staring at a hermit crab tank in mid day wating for something to happen. I was scared, most of the people I was close with where because of this... this thing that had been controling me. But when I broke down the walls, and  threw away the things that got ruined, I somehow got even closer to the people I didn't even realized where there.

             __ random question __
       What is your favorite planet,  counting Pluto?

*I know this sounds cheesy, don't judge me :)*

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