~ Chpt. 1 ~

573 22 6

Hi!! I hope you'll like my work, have a nice day! <3


The two men were sitting one in front of the other, while trying to focus on what they were there for: compose.
Sheets in front of Shavo, poetry in front of Serj.

Soft embarrassment covered their faces as the papers touched, the insecurity of being bothering, or invasive took control every time.
But that was temporary, one of them would always smile shyly a moment later, and their eyes would come back to their works.

Something that never lasted much, for Shavo.

His big eyes, there made of pure being-caught fear, mostly lifted to watch Serj's figure.

His soft hair dragged into a slow dance by the summer breeze, his eyes surrounded by a frown of concentration, his pale and morbid lips moving while he read silently.

The curves of his face, the shadows that lied on his neck and collarbones.

He was such a svelte being, seraphic, Shavo dared to think.

Serj was his idea of beauty, as well as what his dreams where made of.
How could he help it, after all?
His heart was owned by those beautiful hands, held by his incredible voice.

And then, their gazes met.

The taller's eyebrows raised as he really didn't expect that contact, and Serj blushed.

Serj wasn't the kind of man that would notice things immediately.
He wasn't stupid, of course, just, he never really possessed a great talent into relationships.
Romantic, relationships.
Maybe he was just too shy to think about them, maybe he wasn't sure about what something like that would have brought him.

By the way, their eyes still met, and he still looked like the most introvert being.
Shavo looked at his cheeks fastly getting color, and how his eyes looked at him.


–I- You have a leaf in your hair..

The bassist said quickly and stood up a little, trying to save himself with such a stupid excuse.

–Oh, uhm...
–W-wait, I'm gonna.. Make it fall,,

He mumbled and started to stroke the part of hair where the leaf was supposed to be, for a little time.
And Serj's expression slowly changed in something so timid and unprepared, his head tilted a bit to help his friend, his face was hot.

–Okay, I think it went away..!

Shavo then exclaimed softly, with a slightly nervous giggle.
But when he went down enough to see his crush's face, a little noise of surprise left his lips.

The smaller was there, looking up at him so innocently, while a big lock of curls lied all over his face and covered part of his nose and cheek.

–Oh God, sorry! Lemme..
Shavo came back to Serj's hair, his slend fingers mildly taking it.

–Shav, I can- I can do it by myself, don't worry-
He tried to say calmly, but it was too late; The other's hand was already behind his ear, gently hiding the dark lock in between the other ones.

Their skins touched then, a shiver ran down Serj's spine while feeling the pleasant warmth given by the other.

He said as his chest was full of air, and emotion.
Thing that turned his voice into such a light sound.

–Do you... Uh, do you want to stay here more? It's sunset, we could..
–Yeah, let's go.
Shavo answered and smiled a little, receding his hand.
–We could go to my place, what do you think? Or you wanna go home?
The taller so asked while they were leaving the garden where they stayed for the entire afternoon.
–Oh, yes! I could come with you, so maybe we can continue.
Serj said and nodded happily, but internally, he was nervous;
Something was going to change, he didn't know how or exactly what, but he was sure that, at least, he felt a little different around his loved friend.

–Alright, why not?
Shavo giggled and went to walk by the shorter's side.

And for little whiles, their hands touched, and searched for their presence, as none of them really wanted to pretend to know what was going on.

Soigné; A Shavo×Serj StoryWhere stories live. Discover now