Chapter 21: Secrets

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Birds chirping, flowers blooming, and seeds sprouting. It was the start of the second week of Spring, in Minori's second year of living in her beloved Oak Tree Town. She reminisced about the past one year of her new life here, how she's found a place, an occupation, but most importantly, people she could truly love. Truly different from her life back at the city, thankfully in a much better way. But as much as she would like to continue her recollection, she has a pile of work, a bunch of friendly farm animals, and growing crops, all waiting for her return. The past seven days since the end of the New Year's Festival have been filled with nothing but heavy chores revolving around her farm work and trading commitments, unfortunately leaving her with very little time to spend with Raeger, but even more so, her friends.

Today, she's determined to visit them for some tea and catching up to do, and has arranged for the three to meet up later that afternoon at Iris' place as usual. Minori finished up her work much quicker than usual, and returned to her room to wash up before she makes her way towards Iris' establishment. She picked out one of her favourite dress, and complemented her outfit with a ribbon of the same colour around her hair. Not forgetting to take the cookies she has baked for the girls, she finally made her way down the mountains and into town.


As she finally arrived at Oak Tree Town's west residential area, she skipped towards the targeted premise and placed three light knocks before entering the establishment, when she found out that no one was tending to the antique shop on the ground floor. Mistel must be out somewhere...

"Iris?" Minori called out for the novelist, directing her voice upstairs towards her living area. "Are you home?"

Though her question was yet to be answered, Minori soon heard footsteps coming from the direction of the staircase on the level above her and she promptly assumed that Iris was home to greet Minori in person. Elated to finally see one of her best friends, she sped her way up the staircase, only to be greeted by someone else; a slightly larger and taller build, someone with a mixture of scent she was very familiar with.


"Good afternoon, Minori. How are you today?" Klaus greeted her politely and smiled.

His unexpected appearance surprised Minori a little and her eyes opened slightly larger as she looked up to meet the eyes of the tall figure. "I.. I'm good." Minori made a short pause. "I wasn't expecting you here, Klaus."

"I'm sorry, Minori." Iris' voice was suddenly heard, and Minori found her sitting on her bed side. "I've told him I'll be fine and yet he insisted on staying here until you've come." She proceeded to smile at Minori, followed with a pout towards Klaus.

"I just did not want anything to happen to you or our ..."

"Klaus." Iris interrupted, and gave him a stern look.

He sighed, and gained his composure back. "You're right, I apologise for my carelessness."

"What's going on?" Minori questioned, showing a look of confusion. "Iris, are you okay? You mentioned something about being fine before..." She expressed her concern, and slowly walked towards Iris.

"I'm perfectly fine, Minori." Iris smiled sweetly, after which Minori proceeded to take a seat next to her. "But thank you for worrying about me."

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