just another day

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i hope you like this its my first novel and hope theirs more to come As I looked out my window I seen this black cat strooling the street looking for food as I love animals and have a farm I though i should feed it but its three in the morning and dont want to wake anyone.I was walking down the stairs as slow and still as i could ,i heard a loud bang o crap i forgot to close the window and the baby started to cry with the bang of my door,I ran into the bathroom and closed the door before my step-mom got up to calm lucy down.I grabed a can of fish and climed out the window.I seen this gang of lads down the street drinking as i ran to the cat and scraped out the fish i went over to the bathroom window and climed back in only to see helina (step-mom)# creep# standing at the door as i walked past her" she wisperd what the hell are you doing?" as i felt like its none if her business and she should keep her thoughts to herself,"o i was just having a fag not that its your business anyways" .."night helina" .i tried to sould like i dont care about what i said and make my voice as sharp as i could but hears the thing i am totally agenst fags they can kill you and you can hurt people around you but that just shows how hard she trys to get to know me .

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