Next to you

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"How about you two sleepover? I mean its already dark and its not safe to wander this hour." Taeyong said as they finished eating dinner.

"Oh Your majesty. You do-"

"Its okay Jaemin and Haechan. You can even live here if you want. I'm sure my boys would love it." Jaehyun and and shoot his middle and youngest child a teasing look.

"U-uhm... Okay. Thank you so much Your majesty." The two humans bowed and the servants prepared Jaemin and Haechan's room.

They all exchanged goodnights and Lucas was still dazed as he kept on thinking about the angel named Jungwoo.

Minhyung sighed and smiled dreamily as he stared out at the window. Wearing his boxers and oversized shirt, he went to the balcony and stared at the starry skies.

"Why am I like this?"

Haechan tossed and turned on the huge bed. He can't sleep because of his anxiety. He had no idea why he was so anxious... he was tired but his anxiety was on the way.

Jaemin also can't sleep. Carefully and went out of the room and walked on the halls. He was also scared of getting caught wandering in the middle of the night but being alone inside a room scared him more.

He suddenly bumped into someone and he fell on his butt. Jaemin gasped when he saw a person who was about his height and he had a pair of horns sitting on his head. The person he bumped into also had a sharp pointed tail. He was skinny, tall and had blond/brown hair.

"Watch where you're going loser." The demon hissed.

What a bitch.

Jaemin thought and apologized. The demon offered his hand to Jaemin and the human hesitantly took it. Just when their hands were about to touch, he felt arms around him and heard growling.

"Who the hell are you?" Jeno spat at the demon.

"No one important. Now where is the exit? I wanna go back to underworld." The demon said and Jeno bared his fangs.

"Who sent you? Why are you here?"

"Hey look Mr whoever you are. I don't know why I am here and one thing is for sure. Lucas summoned me and that loser needs to stop it. Now tell me where is the exit." The demon demanded.

Minhyung heard talking outside so he hurriedly checked it out. Haechan also did the same and went out of his room.

Haechan saw a familiar figure and his eyes widened in realization when he saw Huang Renjun. Renjun is apparently a demon that helped him once on the verge of an eternal sleep.

"InJun!" Haechan squealed and wrapped his arms around Renjun who was caught off guard at the sudden attack.

"Thank goodness someone I know. Chan, where is the exit? I really need to go home." Renjun said and Haechan guided him outside much to Minhyung's distaste.

"Why are you here InJun?" Haechan asked.

"So I am Lucas' demon. He is half human and vampire so he still have demons and angels." Renjun said.

"Oh... here we are. Bye InJun. Take care." Haechan waved and smiled at the demon.

"Bye Chan." Renjun said and summoned a portal before stepping inside it.

"You know each other?" Minhyung asked, trying to hide his jealousy.

"Yeah. InJun saved me from death. I almost died when some trolls pushed me off a cliff. InJun found me and saved me. We know each other..." Haechan said.

"I don't like that guy." Jeno growled and Haechan shrugged.

"He probably doesn't like you too. He likes no one." Said Haechan.

They all went back inside and headed to their rooms, Jaemin headed to Haechan's room and the Vampires shared looks.

"No wait. I wanna spend more time and get to know you better Na Jaemin." Jeno said and Haechan nodded before pushing Jaemin into Jeno.


"Haechan. How about we talk?" Minhyung said shyly. Thank goodness Haechan agreed.


"Random things?" Minhyung answered as they entered the second prince's room.

"Come on. The bed is big for us. We can share right?" Minhyung asled innocently and Haechan nodded.

"Of course. Now what should we talk about?" Haechan asked and they laid on the bed.

Haechan was laying on his side while Minhyung was laying on his back. The prince was trying to pick random questions on his mind while Haechan was waiting patiently for a question that he can answer...

"Okay so how about-" Minhyung cut off his sentence when saw the human that fell asleep beside him.

Minhyung could only smile then pull the duvets to cover their bodies. Minhyung also turned to Haechan so they were now facing each other. It felt really good and Minhyung was smiling and feeling giddy inside as he closed his eyes. He will definitely love waking up with someone warm beside him.

Jaemin stood on the balcony and let out a long, frustrated and sad sigh. There's no way he can go back to the human's place and heck. He was even banned to step a foot there.

"Its okay. Its okay Jaemin... you can live without them." Jaemin tried to smile but still he broke into tears.

Feeling a hand on his cheek, Jaemin gasped and realized he was not alone at the moment. Jeno was with him. Jeno was wiping his tears away with an expressionless face.

"Are you hurt somewhere Nana?" Jeno asked gently and Jaemin smiled then shook his head.

"No, just missing my past life." Jaemin said and Jeno can't help but frown.

"Are you not happy here Jaemin? Uhmmm... if you want your royal and prince life back... uhmmm.. how about I marry you so-"

"What nonsense are you sputtering about Jeno? This is a land for Vampires." Jaemin laughed.

"But... I can turn you into a vampire if  you want to..." Jeno said.

"I am not thinking about becoming a vampire Jeno." Jaemin laughed and smiled at the other male.

"But... I want you to be happy. I want you to stop thinking about your past and live here happily with us..." Jeno said.

"Why is that?"

"Because I want to." Jeno responded. He cant say he loves Jaemin because he's not sure about his feelings and he knows he's incapable of loving yet.

He just feel attracted to the Ex Human Prince, nothing stronger than that... just attraction and not love. There is a difference between those two words afterall and Jeno want so know the difference between love and attraction.

He wants to keep Jaemin with him and it hurts him to see and feel the human was hurting.

Jeno is just confused. That's all...

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