The Last Fight

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The day came.The day when all people will be alive or dead.The last fight.

Titans and Humans will fight to last breath today ,and tomorrow everything will be over.

It was a really nice morning even everyone were nervous and depressed but just scouting legion was strong and hopeful.Everyone were in hurry,and Petra is laying in bed...

Petra..can I come? *knock knock*

What..I mean...yes of course..The sad voice even it was quite everyone could hear her hopeless voice from her room.

"Oh my God..Petra you have to be ready why are you still in bed?!" Said Oluo nervously.

"I'm thinking...and..I decided!" Says Petra with nervous smile on her face.

What are you talking about? Asked Oluo with really confusing face.

"Because..we might die tonight..I will tell Corporal I love him with my soul and heart"

"Are you sure?!" Maybe we will survive nobady knows that!" Said angry Oluo.

"But if I die..I will never forgive myself for not telling him I love him." *she blushed with full eyes of tears*

"Can you get out I need to dress.."

Oh..of course and..Hurry up we will late!..and then Oluo desappeared.

*after 1 hour*

The fight began. Half of warriors are dying in every minute and nobady knows who is winning..

The Levi's sguad has a plan but they have to go in different places.Petra knew that that could be their last goodbye and she had to do it.

while they were riding horses Petra was nervous and then she did it.

Petra: Le..Levi! Listen to me!

Inside Levis head were a lot of"This is the first time she called me Levi what is with her"

"Petra..tell me what is it!" Said Levi with strong face.

"We might are going to die tonight maybe even in this moment so I decided to tell you something really important!!!" She was yelling while their horses became faster.

*she blushed*

And then she continued.

"Levi,this is maybe our last goodbye so..." *the eyes full of tears were shining* "So I decied to tell you I love you with my whole soul and heart and I always loved you and I will always love you even If I die now!"

Everyone were looking at her and Levis eyes were shining but he havent say anything. And the time when everyone have to go in different places came..

"Now!,and be strong guys..goodbye..and goodbye Petra,be alive when I come back.This is a order. *he blushed* and everyone disappeared.

"Eren." of course that said Mikasa.

"If we win,we will live" "If we lose we will die"

Eren continued:"So we will fight no matter what we will survive" "please be safe and.. I love you"

"I love you too..goodbye"

The Fight was big and long.And People won.The titans disappeard forever.And everybody came back.

Whole scoutin legion was in big room and big desk with food they were celebrating life.

Half of them were drunk.

"Why Petra isn't here?" Asked Oluo.

"Idiot..of course she doesn't want to come it would be embarrassing because everyone is alive including Levi" said Hanji

*Levi blushed* "Please shut up,maybe she is just late.."

And then she came in room.

She was beautiful,her orange hair was shining and her dress was the most beautiful dress there. She was red in face and she knew it Levi is there.But mostly she was happy because everyone is alive.Sasha yelled:PETRA! Come here we missed you!"

Eren yelled too:Petra you are beautiful come with us!

Mikasa slaped Eren behind saying:"what are you doing,Levi is there you idiot"

Levi heard Eren and he stand up fast and said:Petra,you are late,and we saved chair for you.come."

*Petra blushed* She sat there quietly with no words..

And Hanji said: stand up Petra!"

amm..okay.. *she blushed even more*

And then Levi get out of his chair and said:"Petra,you promised me you will be alive and here you are so I have to do something that I wanted to do 1 year ago. Petra ,Do you want to marry me?"

Petra started to cry and everyone were happy and nervous

"I want" and she fell in big hug with him. Hanji started to cry and that was the most beautiful thing that happend there.

*After 1 year*

"Petra be careful with that pancakes how can you eat fast like that!?" Asked Levi nervously.

"Well..when you are pregnant you eat whatever you want so leave me alone" said Petra and started laughing loudly.

Levi:"I love you you know..?"
Petra:"yeah..I know 💕I love you too Heichou" With all of my soul and heart

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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