restart. (yg)

897 46 28

Pairing(s): Yoongi x You

Tags: Mafia!AU, short drabble

Genre: / Angst

A/N: Ssssh, calm down, w e a r e a l l m a d h e r e will be posted tomorrow, ok? Ok.

Also, part 2 anyone? ('∀`)


You heard your name.

It was an unfamiliar voice, you noticed. But maybe it was sleep clouding your brain and distorting your senses. It was probably your mother, yelling at you to get the hell up and start preparing for school.

Your body felt heavy. Heavy, and there were a series of pain when you tried to move, even the slightest bit. Weird. You knew you climbed onto bed at two in the morning after a stressful school and study session, therefore it might cause you some difficulty when you have to wake up this morning, but not to this extent. Your joints creak and protest as you tried to move them, as if they had been unused for a long time.

The same voice called your name for the second time. You heard it clearer this time, but you still couldn't connect it with a face. The more you tried to think, the more your head hurt, as if a hammer was pounding relentlessly at the back of your head.

Your fingers twitched, and you felt something envelop them. Warm and gentle and somehow familiar.

The third call made your eyelashes flutter, struggling to open. Your vision was blinded for a moment, but a few blinks somewhat cleared the fuzzy image in your mind. By this time, the voice had called your name for the fourth time, tone full of relief and fondness and love.

"[F/N]! You're really awake! God, baby, I'm so glad-- I knew you would pull through. I knew you would fight to return back to us!"

Your sight fell on a male with messy jet black hair, his fringes falling down onto his eyes. Dark circles adorned his eyes, just like you whenever you pulled all nighters for your exams and assignments. His clothes consisted of a comfy loungewear, albeit a fancy one; those whose materials flutters and soft to touch and gleams under the light. He looked like a mess, and he seemed unhealthily thin and drained, but his smile was massive, stretching his lips and showing his gums as he saw you staring at him.

Adorable, but still weird.

Looking down, you realized you were laying on a bed which was definitely not yours, nor one you could afford. The sheets felt like feathers against your skin as your hand shifted on its surface. You belatedly noticed that your other hand was engulfed in between a pair of calloused palms, which belonged to the same male you had been observing before.

He shifted closer and sat at the edge of the bed, lifting your hand and kissing your knuckles. You felt his lips tremble and his hands shake. Strangely, while half of you wanted to pull your hands away (an impossible feat considering how weak your limbs felt), the other half crooned, pleased at the affectionate gesture.


"How are you feeling? I'll call Jin hyung, alright? Do you want some water? I'll tell him to bring a glass of water too. I'm not leaving you, alright? Don't you worry, nothing and no one is going to hurt you anymore, I made sure--"

Your unresponsiveness stopped him from his worried rambling.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Baby, are you mad at me? I'm... I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner, I ran into some troubles along the way, and I couldn't risk losing you, so I had to take the safer route, and.... [F/N]?"

"I'm sorry....," you said, voice horribly hoarse, but confusion and rejection crystal clear in your tone as you spoke. The male inhaled sharply, his smile completely gone from his expression.

"[F/N], love," he intercepted before you could continue, voice turned breathless and broken. You could see his eyes, previously so warm and bright and attentive slowly losing its luster, dimming into fear and anger, denial and disbelief. His mind shut down at the foreign look you fixed him, and the hollow feeling in his chest widen, threatening to suck him in into the familiar dark abyss, one he thought he had pulled himself out from.

The first tear slid down his cheeks, and you watched in apathetic silence as others followed, trailing down his pale cheeks and dropping onto his hand. His grip tighten and intertwine around your fingers, as if he had nothing else to hold on and he was desperate to not sink.

But you didn't know him, and so you didn't understand the pain and despair he felt.

"Who are you?"

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