A Very Ishimi Valentine's Day

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A very IshiMi Valentine's Day


Midousuji: Valentine's Day is fucking gross.

Ishigaki: do you wanna be my valentine, Misousuji-kun?

Midousuji: ...

Midousuji: ...

Midousuji: *whispers under breath* hell fucking yes

   Ishigaki Koutarou was a good looking guy. Whether or not he knew that no one was sure, but you can bet your ass that everyone else knew it. Because of this, it came as somewhat of a surprise that the biggest crush he'd had in a long time was on somebody like him. Like... Midousuji Akira.

   Now Midousuji was attractive in his own way when he wasn't sticking out his tongue and making weird hip movements. And while he scared others, Ishigaki had a soft spot for his kouhai. He knew for some time that it wasn't just an upperclassmen-underclassmen type thing. And in Ishigaki's mind, why would he NOT be attracted to Midousuji? The boy was talented, pretty good looking if not at least unique, and had a strong work ethic that put the most devoted man's to shame. For those reasons, Ishigaki was currently checking out his reflection in the club room.

   His hair was perfectly styled today. His face glowed with confidence. He was ready for this. Now, he wasn't going to ask Midousuji out in front of everybody, so he waited for the club room to empty.

   After the last member had gone Ishigaki cleared his throat and stood up a little straighter.


   "Eh?" The lizard-like boy looked at him. He was about to chastise the older for not calling him Midousuji-kun like he asked but didn't get the chance to.

   "We should go somewhere tomorrow!" His voice was chipper and his eyes were bright. Tomorrow was a Saturday, and the most romantic day of the year. It was perfect timing. Midousuji hummed and considered it.


   "R-Really?!" Ishigaki couldn't help it. His voice shook a little. Not even a 'that's gross'? That was quite a surprise.

  "Yea. I said ok. Were you not listening, Ishigaki-kun?" Each syllable was drawn out in the usual mocking way. Of course, by now this was just how they communicated daily. "Zaku..."

   That was more like it. Ishigaki nodded excitedly as he talked about when and where to meet. Midousuji just nodded.

   The next day was quiet save for birds chirping. Ishigaki was once again checking his reflection in the mirror. His heart was pounding. Splashing some water on his face, he tried to shake away his jumpy nerves. Then he slid on a pair of shoes and headed out the door.

   Midousji had just arrived himself. He got off his bike, looking at the clutter of the simple family bike shop. It smelled good, like polish and tires and some sandalwood spray. He removed his surgical mask.

   "The brakes don't work that well."

   Ishigaki stopped. What was he talking about? He looked at Midousuji, then the family's sign. Oh god. Midousuji thought this was to get his bike looked at, didn't he?

   'But if I get to spend some time with him... I guess that's alright. I didn't really have a specific plan anyways.'

   Ishigaki took the De Rosa, feeling the undercarriage of the bike like it was a horse before a race. The brakes made a loud squeaking noise when moved. He made a noise of disappointment.

   "The best thing to do would be to get new ones."

   Midousuji sucked in the February air. "I don't have that kind of money, Ishigaki-kun." Again, his voice sounded out the older's name in that funny Midousuji way.

   "I'll give them to you." Ishigaki felt a blush on the apples of his cheeks. "You can... consider it a present." His voice faltered a bit. "F-For today."

   "Eh?" There was the crack of Midousuji's neck moving. "Ishigaki-kun isn't making any sense."

   The ex-ace fiddled with a loose string on his button-up shirt. "It's Valentine's Day, you know? And I... I really like you, Midousjui-kun."

   Midousuji simply blinked his dark eyes. "Well of course. It wouldn't be good if there was animosity on the team." Another blink of those mostly empty optics.

   That made Ishigaki laughed. Of course Midousuji wouldn't understand him right away. He shook his head, making a lock of black hair fall out of gelled place.

   "I didn't mean it like that. I have feelings for you, Midousuji-kun. Not like a teammate either."

   Now Midousuji had a hand over his chest. If you walked in, you would think he had been shot. His stuttering filled the space outside the shop.

   "G-Gross! Ishigaki-kun is... Gross. A-" He stopped. Ishigaki raised a brow, looking back at his teammate.

   "What are those feelings like?" The dark-eyed male's voice was low.

   Ishigaki smiled and sat down on the ground. "It's like a warmth in your chest. And it's tight and it's kinda consuming sometimes. Like you'll be doing something and all the sudden you're thinking of that person fondly. It can be a problem, but you kind of enjoy it." He laughed nervously, hoping his explanation would be alright.

   Midousuji had a blank look on his face. He covered his mouth with a pale hand. Something akin to shock danced in his eyes.

   "Gross. I like Ishigaki-kun."

   Ishigaki braced himself for a screaming rejection. But then those words hit his ears.

   "Oh... Wait what?!"

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