1) No touching yourself!

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Chapter 1

Prue - 26 years old - Telekinesis, she can move people and objects without touching them. Prue can also be in two places at once.

Piper - 24 years old - Freezes and explodes people and objects.

Paige - 23 years old - Can orb herself, other people and objects

Phoebe - 19 years old - Seeing the past, the present and the future with her visions. Also, she can fly.

Philia - 16 years old - (Nickname Phia) Burns people or things with her hands, when she touches them. She can't kill anyone that way. All the others power can kill. Thinks, her power is super boring. And not really helpful. At all.

Prue's view:
All of us are sitting at the dinner table. I cooked spaghetti. Piper, Paige and Phoebe are here. Philia's still missing. I already called her by her name twice. I guess I have to get her myself then.

„Girls, stay here and eat. I'll get Phia." I tell them. They all nod and start eating.

I am the Mommy in this family. Our parents died when Philia was only 2 years old. She's the only one of us that doesn't remember our parents at all. She just has no memories with them. She forgot, I guess. So, me being the oldest, I have all control. I need all control. Little Phia doesn't really like obeying. She's gonna have to accept it. If she likes it or not.

All of us have our own room. First room is Phoebe's, then comes my room, Phia's room, then Piper's and lastly Paige's. I am the most dominant. Then comes Piper. We both like control. But I still rule. And my word is law. And everyone knows it. Philia forgets that from time to time.. Oh well.. My dominance is her reminder I guess..

I walk in Philia's room, and I see her playing with herself. She broke a really big rule. You are not allowed to have sex in this house. Not with somebody else, nor with yourself. All of the girls know that rule just perfectly. Philia does too. I guess it's time to punish now. She's my sister, but I don't care. I am responsible for that teenager.

I quietly walk into her room. I wait. Until I see that she starts to breath louder and she starts arching her back. So short before she cums, I rip the vibrator out of her hands. Phia jumps up and covers herself with a blanket. We have all seen her naked plenty of times though. She sometimes runs around like that, don't even question it. Philia doesn't say a word. She just looks at me with a shocked expression.

„Why did you break my rule? I told you, no playing with yourself Philia!" I tell her in my dominant voice and a raised eyebrow.

Phia now looks away from me. I guess that she is ashamed. I don't care. She needs to learn her lesson, and not do it again.

„Over my knee." I tell her roughly. Her eyes shoot up and she's scared, I can tell. But again, I don't care.

„I won't say it again. Don't push my buttons!" I tell her in an even more controlling voice. I hope that makes her understand the importance of this situation.

She finally crawls over to me, and lays down over my knee.

I give her ten hard spanks with my cupped hand. Phia's whimpering. I'm finished. I hug her and tell her to behave herself. I get her dressed and we walk downstairs to have dinner.

„What's wrong?" Phoebe asks with scrunched eyes. She always wants to know everything. Curiosity killed the cat. Also, I've never „punished" Philia before. This was the first time. What're my sisters gonna say? I only punish Phoebe if she doesn't do as I say, breaks a rule or whatever. And Piper is old enough to make her own decisions and she almost always acts like an adult.

„Well, little missy over there decided to touch her princess parts, so she needed a spanking as a reminder of who's the boss. Phoebe, you should be familiar to that." I say sassily, making direct eye contact with Phoebe. She shuts up and continues eating. Just like all the others. Including me. I liked punishing Phia. I think I'll have a lot of fun with controlling Phoebe's and Philia's life...

Author's note:
What do you think of my story? I have huge plans for this story! What do you think of it? Please leave me a comment! If I have enough reads, I'll write chapter 2 guys. Hope you liked it! See ya!

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