Reason 1 : your writing

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"Okay so I have your works here." Was the first thing he said as we all sat. Hoseok gave a me a worried look which I just answered with a smile and a 'don't worry'.

The teacher started handing back the works to the students one by one and at the end I still hadn't mine.
"Hum I have two works that are really good here, Yoongi and Namjoon. Can one of you come here ?"

I looked at Yoongi and he just rolled his eyes as usual. So I stood up and went over. He handed me my paper with a smile asking me to read it to the class.

"Dear man,
I know you hate me, with all your heart. Everyday you spare me death glares and insults me. I never knew why though. I'm starting to actually think that you really want me to leave, that you would have wished I was never born but that's okay. Even with that, I have to say that you are pretty talented. You are beautiful, I have seen you smile some times even though you want everyone to think you're a bad boy who doesn't give a shit about anything, but that's not the real you. The real you is really beautiful, like the sun. You're maybe small and thin but you are really intimidating, every time I'm near you, I feel like a some respect for you, I don't know why.
If you were about to really fight me or something, I know I would not stand against you. I would literally be like "fight me" and it would be okay. I should be hating you, asking myself what did I do to you to receive so much hate, but I can't it's so strange. You seem to have a power on me. But why are you hating me ? Can't you just be nice to me instead of putting all those fights we had ? You always act toward me like I'm the biggest mistake on earth but why ? I don't want your love, I want answers, I want a talk. I'm feeling like we are in a James Bond. You are the bad guy who doesn't want to hear anything and I'm James Bond, but instead of wanting to kill you, I only want you to stop. Is it so hard to stop throwing death glares and insults ?
Written by your enemy who doesn't hate you that much."

At the end no one was talking. The entire class was like muted to silence. I felt myself blushing at all the stares so I put my paper down and quickly made my way to my seat. It was so awkward I swear.
And as the professor continued his class, sometimes mentioning my work. Yeah I admit I felt proud that he took mine as an example.
Some time later, Hoseok turned toward me and muttered :
"Wah I didn't know you were so melodramatic about Yoongi."

I slapped his arm playfully. "I'm not !" I whispered yelled but since we were at the back of the room, the teacher couldn't really hear us. Believe me, play cards with a cheater in a class could be noisy. Why am I talking about cards ?

"Yes you are. I could practically feel your sadness through the words."

"That's because I'm good at writing and I have a real enemy. No Darth Vader isn't one Hobi !" He seemed like a child. Like I had just told him Santa Claus wasn't real. I shrugged and tried to pay attention to the half hour we still had.
No need to tell you I spent my time drooling over a certain little man.


There's a good point in being at uni, you don't have many classes. I only had school in the morning or the afternoon but never an entire day. So here we were, end of the class. Hoseok had a training at the dance studio so I went with him. I still wondered why he wasn't in dance uni.

"Hobi, I know I have told you this countless times but why are you still here ?" I asked him on our way. Since we hadn't any homework, I came with him. Seeing him dance was always something I liked, he's so graceful and it is really satisfying to watch him. He seems genuinely happy, like he has found his place.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "I already told you Joon."

"No, never."

"You sure ?" He seemed a little surprised.


"Then... I'm here 'cause I know a career in dance is always short so I prefer having good studies so that if I became famous in dance and that my career end because of my age or I dont know, then I can have a good job."
That was smart. He had a point. The discussion ended there since I hadn't nothing to argue anymore and we got back to our place.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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