Magic Remote - Bully Beware

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Julie sat alone in her room curled up on her bed. Tears flowed freely down her face as she clutched her knees and glared aimlessly at the wall. Her glasses had been discarded next to her as she sobbed and there was a clear bruise mark on her arm. Upon first glance you might assume Julie was the victim of parental abuse, but she was infact from a very loving home. Julie, at merely 5'3 100lbs is a sophomore at Franklin High School she is small and petite with long brown hair and glasses. She was somewhat pretty yet very shy and meek and she goes largely unnoticed by everyone but her very small circle of friends.. well them and Kat...

Kat had somehow managed to make it to her senior year of high school despite her constant troubles with authority and her parents and other students and, well everyone. She was the polar opposite of Julie, and was the reason Julie often sat alone crying on her bed each evening. Kat was the resident goth chick, she stood 5'10 and had a good 50 lbs on Julie. She dressed in a combination of punk and goth style clothes had pale white skin, black hair and a bitchy attitude that could sour even the most committed optimist on life. Although slightly overweight Kat would be rather attractive if not for her cruel attitude.

Kat was a nobody early on in high school until a nasty public breakup with her ex and subsequent physical beat down of him infront of others made her the school's bad girl and temporarily got her celebrated with girl power status. The power trip and attention more than went to her head and she continued to beat down others for that feeling, including but not limited to, swirlies, and wedgies, and throwing kids in the dumpster, and beating them up and making them cry, the power trip was a rush for her.

Julie was her latest victim, she was so much smaller and passive that beating her up was not even fun, Kat had given her a few swirlies and pushed her down or tripped her repeatedly in the halls. She had called her every manner of filthy word, and stuffed her in her locker but her latest genius was making her pay for protection. Every day Julie would be forced to walk by Kat and her cackling fans and hand over protection money to be spared any further humiliation. Today, however, after she had paid, Kat grabbed her hard by the arm and flung her back telling her to get lost, unknowingly leaving a large bruise behind.

Kat was a Bully. She had been for years and she had pushed Julie to the verge of suicidal thoughts several times. Normally it is rare that help comes to those who need it, the universe is random and uncaring but every once and awhile things happen as they should and glimmer of hope shines in the darkness.

Julie awoke a couple hours later and put her glasses on and walked down stairs. She noticed a package for her on the counter. "finally" she said under her breath unexcitedly and took it upstairs tearing into it. she pulled out a pink plastic novelty remote that she had ordered a couple weeks ago. Smiling a half smile she looked over the device. It was about the size of a smart phone but felt like a cheaply made children's toy. It was pink plastic with 3 buttons on it. The first one had a baby rattle icon on it and was the uppermost button, the middle one and oddly largest button had what could only be a pile of crap looking icon on it, to which she scrunched her nose at, and the bottom button had a baby's face staring blankly back at her. The back of the device said "Made in Japan" in small letters and had an RC Technologies Corp trademark on it. It had a battery slot on the back and appeared to take two AA batteries.

"Why did I buy this?" she lamented with a laugh aiming it at random things in her room making sci fi explosion noises as she did so. "No wonder I get picked on" she puffed and tossed it on her bed and went to rummage through her dresser for batteries. It didn't take long until she had some in hand and had put them in the device and was ready to test it out. She aimed it at the wall and pressed the middle button and a flash of pink light shot out in a zapping beam and then faded. "Wow... a pink flashlight" she huffed "just what I always wanted" she said sarcastically before flopping back on her bed waving it around like a lightsaber. Her younger brother came in the room abruptly ruining her imaginary battle with a Sith Lord "Julie! Mom says you have to do the dishes" he said with a smirk knowing it was his turn "You little liar!" she shot back getting mad. No sooner had her brother stuck out his tongue and given her the finger then she had aimed her device at him as he was walking away and pressed the middle button. "feel the power of the force!" she said in a deep voice still pretending her device was a fictional laser sword.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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