04: apprentissage

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[my mother always taught me to put things back where it belongs— so i'm 'bouta put a bitch back in her place.]

WAKING UP was always the hard part of the day for dae

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WAKING UP was always the hard part of the day for dae.

today however, it was harder than usual.

being the first day of school, dae had set five alarms—she usually didn't really care about the first days since she'd spend the rest of the year in the same place anyway, but today... today was her first day of high school.

again, not a big difference, but she actually wanted to eat breakfast for once.

plus, she's sure jeongguk won't wake up, so she might as well be his alarm, since she was going to have to walk to school with him (due to a, quite stupid, pact they made when they were younger.)

she could ditch him, but he was her best friend. why would she?

groaning as she quite literally rolled off the bed, limbs now splayed sporadically on the surprisingly soft carpet on the floor, she mustered enough strength to push herself off the floor and sway into the bathroom.

the fluorescent lighting of her bathroom blinded her for a moment, before she jumped at the sight in the mirror with a small inhuman noise.

"what is that?" she peered closer into the mirror, eyes squinted as she patted her face.

"is that..."dae trailed off, eyes widening comically, "is this was true beauty looks like?"

"damn, i look fine. i just woke up, and even motherfucking bed hair looks good on me. shit, i could walk into school with my goddamn morning breath and i'd get hella hoes." whistling at herself, she struck a few poses.

she did this throughout her morning routine, when she was brushing her teeth, singing in the shower, slipping in the shower, cursing out the shower, bending down to pick up her lost soap, her daily stream of taeyang because she is a bitch for him and him only, etc.

dae had a habit of doing this, lying to herself about her happiness so she would be able to have more fun instead of being in her head all the time. it was quite unhealthy, actually. given how her mood fluctuates so quickly because of this, it could be toxic to others too. faking happiness but she'll never attain it by ignoring her problems, she's simply prolonging the descent to madness by a small portion of time.

plus, today's jeongguk's birthday. she can't exactly be a downer on his birthday. it's his special fifteen; only a shrek-sucker would ruin it for him. and dae is NOT a shrek-sucker.

she had the whole surprise ready for tonight, hopefully he'd love it as much as dae thought he would.

"to conclude, taking the perception and paradises of how humans see the world, and because e=mc squared, the egg came before the chicken." dae concludes, dark hair falling in ringlets over her shoulders and tumbling down to her waist. her eyelashes could easily cause tornadoes just from a simple flutter, eyes sparkling with a glint of danger, and face blooming a beautiful rose due to the lack of air from laughing too much, and perhaps from the slight chill of the to be fall september. in summary, she looked too good to be true. she was as real as they get, though.

"how does e=mc squared have anything to even do—"jeongguk started, before being quite rudely interrupted. it was his birthday, dae had acknowledged that fact in a totally nonchalant manner, and he couldn't help but hope [like the absolute wuss he was] that she had some big surprise planned for him. he knew it was childish, but he couldn't help but hope for more than just an "happy birthday, now get the fuck up before i beat your ass."

"egg = makes chicken. squared because it takes two chickens to make the egg. duh. c'mon man, it's your first day of high school; you should know these things." dae rolled her eyes sarcastically, lips tilting upwards until she realized how stiff jeongguk had become from the reminder.

"you know, high school won't be that bad. there's nothing to worry." tone changing from sarcastic to a soft tenor, she felt her smile slip slowly off her face.

jeongguk was always shy in social situations at first, but being transferred from a whole different school into an environment portrayed as hell?

that's a big nono.

meeting a few new people—sure, he was fine with that. but a whole crowd of teenagers that were suffocating and teachers who can alter his life drastically from a simple standardized exam?

an even bigger nono.

there was also the mind-numbing fear that dae, like the quickly adapting social shark she is, would decide she doesn't want to lug around an antisocial freak and ditch him over the first few weeks of school.

that was the biggest nono in the book.

plus, he's really not willing to spend countless weeks stressing over one exam while dae is able to do whatever the hell she wants and cram it in 15 minutes before the actual test and still get the highest score. that shit is no bueno.

and school started on his birthday?

it truly seems as if all the odds are against him.

"gguk-" he was jolted back by a hard tug against the back of his backpack, which was snug on both of his shoulders.

he glances up at the flag pole—which he was consequently going to walk into—and then up at the towering school that looked over him like a lion would a lamb.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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