Chapter 31

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Okay so I've pretty much planned out the end of the story. If everything goes as planned then there will be 2 more chapters and a prologue.

It goes by so fast! *sniffs* It seems like yesterday when I was freaking out about have 500 reads and now I've reached 27,000+!!!

I'm really grateful to all of you and I want you to know that if it wasn't for you then there would be no "A Beastly Twist". You guys made the story and it makes me so happy to call you all my fans.

Oh look at that I'm going on like its already over but don't worry its not! lol

Read on now!


Chapter 31

Ciel's P.O.V.

The journey back to my old house was a lot different than the first time. For one it was late summer so there was no snow or winter chill. The trees were green and luscious, the forest full of life.

Overall it was peaceful and even if I had this bad feeling about leaving Aiden I still knew that I had to find my father so I tried to enjoy the ride.

It was getting late and I was sure that we were going to stop soon.

"Ciel, we'll camp here for the night and resume in the morning," Lumiere said stopping his horse and climbing off.

What did I tell you? I knew we would be stopping.

"Alright," I agreed getting down from Genny and helped him set up camp.

"Could you go and gather some wood please?" Lumiere asked while glancing at a couple rocks to make a fire pit.

I gladly left not wanting to be put on rock duty. I probably wouldn't be able to pick up let alone move most of those rocks.

Walking around I had to make sure I didn't wander too far from the camp and which direction I came from.

It was getting darker as the sun was almost down and it became harder to see in the thick brush of the forest. I can't believe I'm actually out here and doing this. What am I, crazy? I'm going to get myself eaten by a wild animal.

As if the gods could here my thoughts there was the snap of a twig not too far away from me. I stopped what I was doing slowing standing up straight trying now to make a sound even though it felt like my heart was as loud as a drum.

"H-hello?" I called out after hearing another twig snap.

I tried to look into the bushes a few feet away from my to see what was making the sound but all I could see was darkness. By now the sun had set all the way and it was becoming hard to see anything let alone what was in the bushes.

My palms started to get sweaty and I was tempted to drop the wood and run away, but something told me that if I did that it would only make the situation worse.

"Hello? I-is someone . . . there?" I asked again taking a small step back.

I heard a low growl and my breath hitched at I gulped. I'm going to die! I know I've thought this before but I'm absolutely positive that this time I am going to die! Goodbye Dad, goodbye Jake, goodbye Aiden. I'll miss you all but right now I'm pretty sure I'm going to die.

 The bushes move and I could see two bright yellow eyes staring back at me. I wanted to scream but even if I could I don't think it would come out any louder than a little squeak.

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