Chapter 1

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 (Y/N) = Your Name      (E/C) = Eye Colour     (F/C) = Favourite Colour

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" Groaning, I got out of bed and answered the door to find my brother standing there.

"Sebastian, it's five in the morning!" I crossed my arms and glared at him. He simply had a satisfied smirk on his face.

"I know. Since you live here, you will be helping me and the young master out around the manor." I groaned and he shot me a glare, "I hope you realize this (Y/N), Ciel didn't have to let you stay here. You'd still be out on the streets."

I mumbled under my breath but sighed. "I'd have a master if I weren't too young..." Keeping my arms crossed, I blew my bangs out of my face.

"Well too bad, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen." He left and I went into my room and changed into my uniform. It's like Mey-Rin's but instead of white trimmings, mine has gold. I quickly put my hair into a bun and walked out of the room. Mey-Rin crashed into me causing me to fall backwards. She landed on top of me.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)!" Mey-Rin blushed hard and quickly got up. "Please don't tell Sebastian. He'll yell at me, yes he will!"

I got up and dusted myself off. "It's fine Mey-Rin, just don't let it happen again." I saw Sebastian out of the corner of my eye. This is the fifth time she's knocked me down and Sebastian has scolded her many times for it.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Sebastian looked me up and down looking for injuries. Then he glared at Mey-Rin who stared at the floor, ashamed.

"I'm fine Sebastian, it was just an accident and she didn't mean it. Right Mey-Rin?" I glanced at her and she nodded vigorously. "Get back to work." She hurried off to do her next task.

Sebastian turned and glared at me next. I prepared myself for my scolding, "You know that you have to be strict when the other servants mess up."

"I know but it doesn't seems right. All they ever do is get scolded by you for the littlest things." I crossed my arms once more and glared harder at him.

"So when Bard blows up the kitchen, I shouldn't scold him?" He smirked, thinking he won. Although he was right, I knew how to counteract him.

I grinned and turned a bit, "You sound just like father." His eyes filled with pure hatred and disgust. By this point, we were screaming at each other.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ciel standing on the stairs, I smirked. Sebastian and I woke the young master, he's going to be pissed off at us. "Sebastian and (Y/N)! Do you have to be so damn loud!?" He glared at the both of us and I tried not to laugh. I knew he'd yell more at Sebastian than at me.

"I'm terribly sorry young lord, please allow me to go make you some tea." He nodded and I left the room trying to hide my grin. Hearing Ciel shout at Sebastian was highly entertaining. I picked up the tray and carried it to the young master, he softly smiled at me and took the cup.

"Thank you (Y/N), go get a carriage, we're going somewhere today. As for you Sebastian, follow me." Sebastian and I did as we were told, he want one way and I went the other.

Knocking on the young master's door, I sighed waiting for entry. Ciel opened the door and allowed me in. "Ah, (Y/N). Just the person I was going to call for. Has the carriage arrived?" He sat down in his chair and faced me. I nodded. "Good, I'm going to have Mey-Rin help you shop today."

"Uhm, young lord, why is Mey-rin going to be helping me today?" Honestly, she really is a klutz so it's more like me helping her. If she's going to be with me, I'm doomed!

"It's a surprise, once you get what you need for the surprise, I'll tell you." He got back up and motioned for Sebastian and I to follow.

In the carriage, I sat beside Mey-Rin and across from Sebastian. I stared out of the window, but my (e/c) eyes drifted to my brother who would glance at me every now and then. He glanced at me and we made eye contact, the he awkwardly looked away. We arrived in front of a fancy dress shop. Ciel looked at me, "Mey-Rin, you know what to do." Mey-Rin grabbed my hand and I couldn't pull it away.

She began to pull me out of the carriage, "Yes sir! I will make sure she gets that dress, yes I will!" Off we went. Getting dragged into the shop wasn't fun but, all of the dresses were beautiful. "Order for Phantomhive!" Mey-Rin shouted and the clerk scurried off into the back.

"Mey-Rin, what's going on?" She let go of me hand and I stood there confused. Ciel knows how much I hate dress shopping. I glanced at the dresses. "Ciel picked out a dress for me already?" I thought to myself.

The clerk came back holding a bag and Mey-Rin hurried over to it, "It's a huge surprise!" Mey-Rin picked up the dress bag and pulled me into a changing room. She took the dress out of the bag and helped me into it. It was a (f/c) ball gown that fit me perfectly. The dress was stunning. "Wow... Ciel didn't have to get this for me."

Mey-Rin looked at me in awe. "You look so beautiful! Also, it was mostly Sebastian who picked it out for you." She helped me out of the dress and we put it back in the bag. Of course, only he knows my favorite color.

"Come on, the carriage is waiting for us." I took her hand and walked out of the shop. We got into the carriage silently. Again, I sat across from Sebastian. It was getting late and the young master had already eaten so he went to bed.

I slipped into a white night gown and walked towards the window in my room. Snow was begging to softly fall and coat the trees along with the ground, I sat on the windowsill starring into the distance. I thought of mine and Sebastian's argument, "I should apologize..." I sighed and got up to make hot cocoa for me and him. It used to make him feel better after our fights. Once I had the hot cocoa, I headed to his room and knocked two times, then a short pause and once more.

"Come in (Y/N)." I opened the door and stepped into his room. He smiled when he smelled the cocoa.

I handed him his cup and smiled back at him. "I've come to apologize for saying you were acting like dad." Sitting on his bed, I sipped my cocoa.

"Apology accepted." He put his mug on the nightstand and hugged me. I hugged back. Suddenly Sebastian picked me up and turned his back to the window that was in the process of shattering. He put me down and turned to face the window.

I peeked over the bed and saw a man that looked like Sebastian. This man had golden eyes and glasses with his hair parted differently from Sebastian's. The man's eyes stared directly into my (e/c) eyes, then he looked away. I looked down and saw some glass scratching my legs.

"Claude, what a lovely surprise." Sebastian's tone was sarcastic and full of disgust. The man with golden eyes is named Claude, noted.

I could hear Claude chuckle, "Yes, I thought I'd stop by and tell you that Ciel's soul will be mine." He moved towards the bed and glanced down at me. "And who's this hiding behind your bed?" He took my hand and helped me up.

"Don't answer a thing and don't move okay?" I nodded. Claude was pinned to the wall in a matter of seconds, then thrown back out of the window from once he came. "Are you alright?" Sebastian pulled a small medical kit out from under his bed.

"Sebastian, who was that?" I ignored his question, demons heal themselves, I'll be fine. He looked up at me and frowned.

"I guess I should tell you, his name is Claude Faustus. He's the head butler of the Trancy manor." He closed the kit and handed me my mug of cocoa. "You're going to need some sleep." I sipped it and nodded.

I hugged him again, "Good night Sebastian." He hugged my back.

"Now get some rest." I smiled and put my now empty mug on the night stand. I left the room and went to mine.

Laying on my bed, I closed my eyes but felt a presence with me. I opened them and scanned the room, no one was there. I went back to bed with thoughts and images of Claude swarming my mind.

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