Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day in the late afternoon. I rushed out of bed and quickly threw on my uniform. Stumbling, I got out of the room and entered the hall. Finny spotted me and ran over.

"(Y/N)! Didn't Sebastian tell you you had the day off?" Finny was clearly out of breath. Had he been running around the manor looking for me?

"No... no one told me anything." That's really strange, ever since I came here I've never had a day off. I smoothed my uniform and looked at Finny.

Finny smiled wide, "I know how much you love flowers. Come to the garden with me!" He always knew how to make me smile, so I followed him.

When I went to the garden, I saw my favorite flowers arranged into a sign that said "Happy Birthday". Sebastian, Ciel, Mey-Rin and Bard were standing around it. A smile plastered itself onto my face. "You guys didn't have to do this..." Did I really forget my own birthday?

"It was very easy, we can also re-use the flowers." Finny pulled a flower off of the sign and handed it to me. I smelled it, it was a bitter sweet smell but it smelled better than any other flower I've ever smelled.

Ciel stepped forward a bit, "You deserve it. You're a major help around the manor." I could see him softly smile.

Sebastian hugged me tight. "My little sister is growing up... Mother would be so proud." Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I stopped them.

Our mother was a kind woman who fell in love with a foolish man. Father got mad at her when she got pregnant with me. He tried forcing her to get an abortion but she never listened. A year after my birth, my father killed my mother out of anger. Sebastian and I lived with our Aunt Mary. When I was older, Sebastian told me stories about our mother and father. He used to tell me that I was exactly like her.

He let go and Mey-Rin stepped forward next, "(Y/N), you've stopped me from falling and breaking things. I'm very thankful, yes I am!" I smiled. Bard was unusually quiet. Then he stepped forward.

"Uh... I don't really know what to say. You're a good person and you've stopped me from blowing things up." I smiled and thanked all of them. I was still tired and it was cold out even if we were in the green house. We all went back inside.

"(Y/N), come see me in my study please." Ciel was halfway up the stairs with Sebastian close behind.

I went up a few minutes after they did. Knocking on the door, I sighed wondering what they were going to tell me. Sebastian opened the door and I walked in. There was an envelope on the desk where Ciel was sitting, I sat across from him and he handed me the envelope. I gave Sebastian a questioning glance and opened the envelope. A small invitation fell onto my lap. It read, "You have been invited to (Y/N)'s birthday ball..." I looked up with a smirk on my face. "I guess I've been invited to my own birthday ball." Ciel and Sebastian chuckled a bit and nodded.

"I'm throwing a ball in your honor. That's why I made you get the new ball gown." Ciel pulled a few photos out from a drawer. He placed them on the desk facing me. "We have everything set up. All you have to do is be there." He smiled.

"Really... I don't deserve this..." I quietly stared at the small invitation sitting on my lap.

Sebastian lowered himself to look me in the eyes. I gave him another questioning look. "(Y/N), these are mother's plans. On your eighteenth birthday, you are supposed to have a ball. Mother drew out all of the plans before... the incident happened." I looked back at the designs.

"Well... I guess I'm going to have a ball." I sighed and put the invitation back in the envelope and put it back on the desk. "Sebastian, it's almost dusk, we should begin to make dinner." He nodded and we got up. We made out way to the kitchen and began cooking in silence.

--------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------

Sebastian said goodnight to me and left my room. I got up and sat on the windowsill staring at the snow. I had yet another strange feeling of a person watching me. I saw a tall, dark figure dart between the tree line. Blinking a few times, I turned around and saw a shadow in the corner. "Who ever you are, I can defend myself." I got into a fighting stance and faced the shadow.

"Come now, I mean no harm deary." The shadow stepped forward and a gray cloak was revealed.

I ran towards the figure and hugged it. "Undertaker! What are you doing here?"

He shoved a bone biscuit into my mouth and kept me at arms length. "I have some news, but you have to keep quiet or else your brother will hear." I nodded. Sebastian doesn't like Undertaker because he visits our father. This must be news about him. Undertaker picked me up and sat me on the bed. "(Y/N), your father is coming to town and wants to meet you.."

A knock was heard at the door and both Undertaker and I were thrown into a silent panic. I motioned for him to follow me and I hid him in my bathroom. "(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I quickly got under the covers and closed my eyes as Sebastian cautiously entered my room. He sat on the edge of the bed and put a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N)...?" He gently shook me.

I rolled over and mumbled a bit, "What?"

"Good, you're awake. Come with me real quick." He took my hand and pulled me out of bed. Picking me up, he began to walk out of the door.

I struggled trying to be put down. "Sebastian! Put me down!"

He glanced at me, "Stay quiet." Before I could react, Sebastian had thrown me into the snow. "You've been talking to Undertaker about father again. As punishment, you are to stay outside for the night." He turned to close the door.

"I'm eighteen! It should be my choice on who I can see and talk too!" I shivered and he looked back at me with a regretful expression.

Sebastian walked back towards me, "Though that is true. I'm just trying to protect you."

I shivered more, there was a cold tone to his voice. "P-Protecting me w-wouldn't be throwing m-me into the c-cold..."

He picked me up gently, "But did you learn your lesson?" I nodded looking up to my bedroom window. Undertaker saw everything and I knew he felt bad. "As soon as you get inside, you better kick Undertaker out and go straight to bed." I nodded again, I just wanted him to shut up.

As soon as Sebastian put me down, he forced me to open the door and allow him to inspect my room. Undertaker was already gone, or so I thought. When Sebastian left, Undertaker dropped down from an air vent which scared me to death. He immediately hugged me to try and calm me down. "We need to be more quiet." He whispered and sat on my bed. I nodded in response. "Are you going to try and see your father?"

"I-I'm not sure.. I want to but, Sebastian will be mad at me in I do." I sighed. This man did kill my mother. He also ran off and now, seventeen years later, he wants to see me? That's not acceptable, but maybe I can get some answers.

"You don't have to make the decision now deary. Get some rest. Also, Ciel invited me over tomorrow." He smiled and got up to leave. I snuggled into the covers and Undertaker left.

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