OWO (HS AU part 1)

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                                                                          Rk800 X Rk900 High School AU

I was wolking down the hwolls of my schookl when I saw him owo! He looked like me but butter UwU. He was so hamswam and pwettey. Thjen he came up to meh nya and said "Are chu Corner owo¿ I am Corner but newer." He was the moist butefull anddroited I've ever sean. I nudded and he smilled. Then we fukued owo. "Nyah Cornnor Chan. I'm going to clam!!!" I moaned as I clumed. Then we gutr up and dwessed up and wente hume. Hwank welled at me becaws i wus wate for skoowl! 

The end.

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