50 Shades of Gallith Part 5

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(AN> I've changed the way the perspectives look, so you'll probably see one person finish or start new bits, like part 4... and smut stuff that has been caused by pure sexual frustration

LONG LIVE GALLITH<3 And thank you all for the support<3 These are really just little pastimes when I'm not studying, but I'll do x many parts if you'd like them to. Open to Cure requests<3 Back to the... s t o r y)

I can't believe myself! I've gone from a nervous wreck to being bound to his bed and telling him I want him to 'have' me. I honestly couldn't admit to more of it, as much as I like to leave my body one colour... I still like the colour red. I make jokes about the whole Sir thing, but its actually quite sexy. In a way this is like he's looking after me, though this is a specific thing people like, but I'm not used to other people wanting to care for me. He's slapping me around, but he's still caring to it all. I kind of like being hit, but I'm not a masochist... is that what they're called? I heard it from a tv show, at least I think I did. But I'm not asking him, in case I'm completely wrong and he just laughs at me.

He's kissing me all over my chest, I thought that leaving red marks and putting pressure would hurt, but it sort of stimulates it. But I'm actually quite keen for more. This feeling is so new and exciting, I've kissed people before, plus one guy when I was drunk and I don't plan on telling him. I haven't had this much adoration from a man before, I've seen men at work give me sex eyes, but I only really like it when he does.

"Ow!" I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realise that he's biting my skin, right on my hip. I want to rub it, but I can't.

"Oh, did I hurt you?" He asks with caution. I don't know.


"Do you want me to stop? It's nice in the right spots" oh shit!

"Uh, I-I don't know. Where?" I think that's a yes.

He narrows his eyes and brings his face to mine and I feel slightly nervous. He doesn't really get that I haven't been with, not only a man, but with someone before. I'm not a bloody sex pro like you!

His nose touches mine,

"I can tell that you have so much to admit to, I'm a pro" how can he read my mind?!? "And you're new to this thing, but I know there's a lot you'd like to try" he leans his lips to my ear, his hair brushing over my skin. What the hell is this man doing to me? His breath is heavy against my neck and I try not to squirm. I want to touch him, thread my fingers through his hair. I really want to kiss him.

"Let me show you what so many people wish to do with you" he whispers, alluring a sudden warmth across my body. What do people even think of me? He takes my hair by surprise and I groan in shock, his fingers grip it in a large clump. I want to hold his hair, he can read my bloody mind! He holds my head in place as his mouth travels down my neck, his teeth nibbling at my skin. He repeats the process, up and down, sucking and bitting. My body feels warm and tender, I never thought that this would be a thing I'd enjoy. I'm trying the might of god himself to hold in every sound I have, I'm holding my breath. My chest twitches, he watches my eyes, that feel tense.

"Hey, don't be silly. Let it out hun, I don't care" I don't want to hear myself groaning like a teenage girl.

"I- I feel embarrassed to-"

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. I know it's cause you think you're some quiet, odd character. I'm going to make you understand that you are fucking delight! Do you understand me? Now, stop hiding yourself, I know you enjoy this and trust me I'm loving it"

"But I just-" he cuts me off, kissing me hard. He can't take negative energy. He keeps taking my words away, I start to moan in his mouth. God I sound desperate. He bites down on my bottom lip and pulls it so his eyes reach mine. I feel myself blushing, my mind thinks of all these sudden ideas. I squirm at the thought. He lets go and has his hands on my jaw, forcing myself to look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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