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The two kept talking all night and laid on the bed together taking selfies and watching pewdiepie all night they even watched his newest vid "no swear electric challenge (the impossible game) Scarlett didn't like the name for some reason. So they watched it and then they were laughing even more. how he TRIED to stop himself from swearing by shocking himself, and that when he said oh hell he searched up on google if hell is a bad word! (I was laughing too but I'm obviously not in my own creepypasta). Since Cecilia was tired of being cooped up in a small cabin in the woods (there it is again!) Cecilia decided to take a nature hike outside, while Scarlett was being lazy rejecting the suggestion, she just wanted to stay on the phone and keep on watching. But Scarlett decided to scroll through Cecilia's camera roll now that her phone is unlocked. Scarlett stopped scrolling when she came across with a selfie of Cecilia and this blue masked person staring at her kidneys, it was funny because when you look at Cecilia's face its perfect than... There is the blue masked kidney staring guy. Then the next pic was of them kissing, but, Scarlett didn't want to tell a soul about what she saw. So she went back to watching some more pewds. When Cecilia was probably about 50 feet away from the cabin she saw slenderman and ran up to him and led him towards the cabin. Slenderman of course remembered this place. Cecilia used her brain waves to question slendy if Scarlett can sleep at the mansion for the night than leave in the morning so no one will know because god knows where she lives. So, slendy asked Scarlett if she wants to sleep over for the night she yelled yes and chuckled. So Cecilia grabbed her phone and started to walk to the mansion. When they were walking they were talking about pewds and laughing until they got to the door so they don't wake anyone up, so Cecilia slept on the same couch and Scarlett slept on the other couch. In the morning Cecilia was helping out Scarlett writing out a love note to L.J, when they were done they put it on the table in L.Js room, when Scarlett was just about to leave she asked Cecilia if she wants to come to L.J's circus from 9 pm - 2 am tonight so Cecilia told Scarlett through her brain that they will meet at the cabin at 7:30 pm they couldn't wait!.

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