Poke it and Check if it's Still Breathing

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        There was blood all over me but I couldn't cry out. It was there. I had stab wounds yet I felt calm, I felt like I was already dead. It came closer to me and I didn't know what to do, all I could think about was how I wished it was only me. I wished that my family and what few friends I had didn't have to suffer from this thing and it was just me alone against it. I would have let it taken me by now if that was the case but I had others to think about. This thing had a weapon and I was on the bathroom floor with nothing I could use to defend myself. I was at the worst point in my life and didn't know what to do but curl up and listen to it. 

        "You'll never make it." It said. "You're useless anyways and you know it." I couldn't reply but the calmness went away and my voice cracked. I didn't want anyone to hear me cry, if they knew I was weak then everything would just get easier for them. I wanted to lay there and just let the blood flow and maybe if I was lucky I could bleed to death but it wouldn't let me do that. It knew what would happen if the people who say they love me had to see me that way and although it wants to see me tortured bleeding to death wasn't torture enough. I had to die slowly, so slow that even after months of dying I still had a working heartbeat. This thing wanted me to suffer.

        It attacked me again and I felt my skin tear open. I thought about my life and how it wasn't always perfect but somehow I survived but just surviving wasn't good enough and now I'm here. It was right, I was useless. I needed someone to help me but no one was willing to take the risk of getting my blood on their hands. I wasn't a good enough daughter or friend to be saved, I wasn't the person they all wanted. As long as I was face to face with it they were alright, they were able to get away hoping that we won't notice. I noticed. I saw how my old friends slowly tip toed away with just a few cuts that they got from the glass that was thrown at me. Why did it want me so badly? Why did it want to hurt me? Maybe I was an easy target, I have been my entire life. I watched more blood come out of me and then I looked up at it. 

        "If you died they won't even notice." It said and then it just stood there without saying a word. This creature I was staring at was the worst thing I've ever seen. It was like taking every bad characteristic anyone could have and then shoving it all into one being. It could probably turn it's head all the way around, I wouldn't be surprised. 

        I picked myself up and looked at it, it just stared back at me with dull eyes. I turned on the pipe and started cleaning the blood, it went down the drain and it was as if nothing had happened. Blood doesn't immediately mix with water, it kind of looks like red smoke in a very glossy picture. When it goes down the drain it doesn't stop. I thought blood was thicker than water. Why is it that I can cry and ten minutes later my face would still be stained with tears but I could bleed and it would be so easy to hide? I put on the sweater I was wearing before I saw it and then looked at it again. It was still quiet, I felt its judgement as it watched every move I made. I might as well have been a slide on a microscope. Now I was just staring at it like it was staring at me.

        "A sharper blade or a deeper cut and this all would have ended." It said.

        "I don't want to be that person." I took a deep breath and my eyes got watery. I continued to speak through the tears. "This wasn't supposed to be how it ended! How could you do this to me? How could you ruin me? You hate me! I know you hate me and I don't get it because it was you that made me like this. You picked at my brain and replaced information with bad thoughts. You shoved things down my throat causing seams to rip. You left me alone and then I didn't want anyone. Everyone left. Every single person. Anyone whose still here isn't actually here because if they were they'd be protecting me from you! You made me lose everything! Why the hell did you have to do that? You're disgusting! You're horrible and you don't know anything! Please just die. Die! Do you hear me no one wants you, look what you've done to me! I hate you!"

        I punched it and my fist started to bleed. I heard footsteps dashing up the stairs. My dad broke down the locked door and both my parents came in after being worried about the screaming.

        "Why did you break the mirror?" Asked my mom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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