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Jungkook as your internet friend

You both have been mutuals and internet best friends for 3 years and counting. One day he messaged you out of the blue.

JK: Heyy y/n! I'm bored ㅠㅠ
sent 9:52 am

You: hellooo! How are you?
Why is Jungkook bored? 0.0
sent 9:53 am

You: Hello? You there?
Wtf are you doing now?
sent 9:53 am

JK: oops, sorry.
My mom asked me to get her glasses. Hehe
sent 9:55 am

You: It's ok hehehe anywayss,,,,,
sent 9:55

JK: Ill answer your questions.
I'm bored because my hyungs aren't here huhu
sent 9:55 am

You: Hyungs? Who are they?
sent 9:55 am

You: NVMMM I remembered them now hihi
sent 9:55 am

Seen 9:55 am

———————— ————————

You: WOW, Jungkook. Just wow. Seen?!

You: *sighs*

*blooop* *bloooop*

You checked your phone to see if jungkook replied back. Yet there isn't any reply from your dear friend.


It was already 7:30 pm when he finally replied back.

JK: y/n! I have this crazy idea!
sent 7:30 pm

You: You psychopath!
Why didn't you replied back?!
I was worried sick!
sent 7:30 pm

JK: Sheeesh, chill young lady.
You might grow white hairs already haha
sent 7:30 pm

You: whatever, what's the 'idea'
you have in mind mr. genius? tsk
sent 7:31 pm

JK:lets meet up. Like irl meet up.
sent 7:31 pm

You: OMG
sent 7:31 pm

You: you're kidding me right?
what the frikkity fruck?
sent 7:32 pm

JK: I'm hella serious rn.
Also I wanna see what you look like uwu
sent 7:32 pm

You: you'd puke when you see my face haha
Maybe I'll puke as well. hihi
sent 7:33 pm

JK: hmm idk. hehe
anywho, do you wanna meet up? ;)
sent 7:33 pm

You: ew.
remove the winky face haha
anyways, sure,,,,,,
sent 7:33 pm

JK: when? holy asparagus
I can't believe we'll meet sooner
it's heart warming
sent 7:34 pm

JK: hehehe, so when?
sent 7:34 pm

You: Hmm I'm busy in the next few days ,
So maybe next week sat?
sent 7:34 pm

You: Ksjsksjs
I can't believe we're gonna meet!
sent 7:34 pm

JK: yea me too! haha
sent 7:34 pm

You: But I still need to ask
my parents.
Don't get your hopes up, chocnut haha
sent 7:35 pm

JK: hmm oki. Lets plan this out.
We'll meet in..?
sent 7:35 pm

You: hmm ..
sent 7:35 pm

JK: sounds good to me!
gtg play now. Hehe byee ttyt
sent 7:35 pm

You: tsk kk whatevs.
night, chocnut haha
sent 7:35 pm

JK: pfft.
good night and sweet dreams, y/n <33
sent 7:35 pm

Seen 7:35 pm

———————— ————————

You closed your phone, squealing and kicking your feet in the air. Heat quickly rose to you cheeks making your face to blush.
You can't just help it. He added a freaking HEART! You opened your phone again, went to you and jk's chat and re-red the conversation.

"I mean it's normal right? For a guy to add hearts? He's my friend after all. Why am I like this," you asked yourself.

You squealed once again and threw your phone off the bed.

"Holy rabbit, my phone!" You quickly jumped out of bed and went to where you threw your dear phone. You went back after inspecting if there was any cracks or problem but there was none.

You checked the time and it's already your curfew. Yes, your curfew is 8:00.

"So I was screaming over a guy for 30 minutes? I must be getting crazy!" You said to yourself. You fluffed your pillow and lay down the mattress hugging you and bring you to deep slumber.

"I should sleep. I'm out of my mind," you said. Reaching out for the light, you turned them off.

but unfortunately, you couldn't take away the thought of Jungkook sending a heart for you.

You kicked your blanket off to the air, due to jungkook.

"Why is he so cute :(("

———————— ————————

A/N: yo yo I finally updated thanks to dearnochu !!
love ya <3

Hope ya liked it :")

bring me coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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