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Flying higher
all the birds in the sky

Piya's POV

Abbi and i are wrapping photo frame...

I saw abbi holding something and smiling...

I goes behind him and saw he was adoring my painting i made on talent hunt...

He love every painting i make. Even if its the worst painting...

He is my inspiration.

I remember... My all colors were emptied only one day before talent hunt.

Because I was trying to make something good whole day..

And by the end of the day... All tubes.. Bottles of colours were empty.

Only black white and some skin colour was left

Buying new colors in the morning was not a problem but the problem was i still couldn't decide what to make.

Then abbi entered the room....

And he laughed out to see messed up room.

I puffed my cheeks.

He came near me and start cleaning my face which was covered in colours.

Abhay : my colourful angel.

I jumped...

Haaww.. Thank you so much abbi giving me idea...

I hugged him...
And kissed his cheeks.

He is the best.

He got confused what idea he gave to me....

Hehehehehe... Sssshhhh its a surprise abbi....

Next day i made my painting in talent hunt.
Without buying new colors.

Teachers were asking me to show the painting.

But i was waiting for abbi.

I want him to see the painting.

Abbi came running... Breathing heavily.... Was he participating in some race??

Abhay : sorry angel.... My car broke down... And didn't got any taxi

Oh shit... He really came here running...

God.... I trouble him so much...

Piya : i am sorry abbi...

He ruffled my hair....

Abhay : won't you show me your painting. ...

I jumps excitedly... And revealed my painting to all....

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