Chapter 14

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Tessa's p.o.v.

I swear if Harry messes up one more time I will not forgive him an I will be done with him. I'm sick of him hurting people. I dot want to be with a guy who thinks it's okay to hurt people and tell lies about other people and then blame them for how he acts instead of taking blame for his own actions. why did I give Harry another chance again? oh that's right he said he will change for me and I believed him when he said that. Wow. oh and I also forgave him because I love him and trust him. Wow. I'm so stupid to trust someone I know will just fuck up. That's just what he does. Fuck up. Every time I give him a chance he just messes it up and shows me that he shouldn't be given any more chances but then what do I do? I give him one last chance when I should've just ended me and him. I'm so stupid.

Louis p.o.v.

I thought Tessa was smart. how can she be so stupid to stay with him? harry. he doesn't deserve last chances. he doesn't even deserve chances to begin with. I need them to break up. I need to push Harry's buttons. But how?

Harry's p.o.v.

What is Louis up to? I see him looking at me with devil eyes so I know it isn't good. So what is he up to? its gonna drive me crazy! But I have to keep my cool and not hurt Louis and I have to be nice and gentle to other people as well....but it will be super hard with Louis. I can't be nice to the fucking devil. Is a cat nice to a mouse? No. So I shouldn't be nice to Louis. But I have to so Tessa won't break up with me or leave. I don't want her to leave me. I just can't let that happen so I just have to be nice to Louis. I have to work on being nice to Louis or else I will lose Tessa for good.

Tessa's p.o.v.

I need to spy on Harry and make sure he is being nice. I guess I could help him not want to hurt Louis by staying away from Louis but I want a friend to talk to and Louis is my friend kinda. so Harry will just have to prove to me that he can be okay with me having friends.

"Hi Harry." I say

"Hey Tessa. I...I didn't hurt Louis yet."

He says

"Well that's good...wait did you say yet?" I ask

"Yeah...sorry it's just that I dot know if I will mess up. I mean I kinda do a lot. You know mess up." he says.

"No you dont." I say and hold his hand

"Yes.. I do." he says

"Well you don't all of the time."

"Yes I do. that's the thing. I'm just petrified that I will screw this last chance up and never have you again. I'm also scared that if I don't have you Louis will. I just don't want to mess up. I can't lose you." he says

"You won't lose me Harry....just try your best to not hurt louis. please. that's all I can really ask of you." I say

"I will lose you if I screw this chance up. you said so yourself." he says. is that all he really heard?

"Just don't mess up. well just try not to mess up." I say

"I will mess up eventually. I know that, you know that and Louis knows that. if I do mess up you will be with Louis and happy and I will be alone. I always mess up!" he says loudly and I hug him and kiss his cheek.

"I have faith in you Harry." I say

"I don't see why you do when you know I will just fuck up!" he yells

"Do you not want me to have faith in you?" I ask

"I just don't see the point. I mean everyone else gave up on me. Why don't you too? it will be a lot easier for you to break up with me." he says sadness clear in his eyes. I can tell he doesn't mean why he just said to me.

"Well I am not giving up on you. I love you." I say

"And I love you but," he says

"Let's just leave it at that."

"But," he says and I kiss his lips swiftly before he can say anything and hug him tightly. "okay." he says and I giggle. I love him so much.

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