Masks Off!

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Time to stop pretending; time to stop lying
Always giving off a smile when in the inside, I'm crying
Since the age of 10, I've put my real emotions in hiding

Not anymore, it's exhausting having this mask on
Being the real me when everyone's gone
So mixed up with different masks, don't know how to tell which one I got on

Why am I doing all this? I don't know
Maybe to prove myself that I still have some flow
Possibly even put off a show
Or maybe, just maybe, it's time to let this all go

Always feeling lonely with many people around
Giants of sadness and anger on me when I feel down
My cries for help fall on deaf ears with no sound

This probably gonna sound like a cliché
But I know I'm not the only one feeling this way
Frustrations and depression hitting us on the day-to-day
Probably not the only one praying away the pain each Sunday

Using that happy mask full-time
Feeling my fake smile go on overtime
Keeping myself from others like it's my favorite pastime

Time to stop the pain, make it fadeaway
Not let it have its own place to stay
Take off that mask and throw it away

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