The tale of Wulfric Vonlictinshtein

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"Can you tell me the story again grandpa?" my grandson Alexander asked as I tucked him in bed for the night. "I have already told you the tale many times before." I replied with a laugh. "But I never get tired of it grandpa." he protested. "And I never get tired of telling it." I said with a smile.

I walked over to the corner of the room and pulled my chair over to his bed-side. I sat down and folded my hands over my lap as I began.

This is the tale of a werewolf by the name of Wulfric Vonlictinshtein. Greatly known vampire hunter. Loved by many, feared by others. It all began way back in the 14th century. A women by the name of Annie Vonlictinshtein gave birth to a fine young son. "What would you like to call him?" her husband, Jack, asked as he kneeled down beside her. She thought for a moment before looking into her husband's eyes. "Wulfric, Wulfric Vonlictinshtein." she said. Her husband looked down at the son that his wife had just bore. "Hmm. Wulfric sounds like a great name for our son." he said, leaning down to kiss his wife on her head she smiled.

"What happened next grandpa?" Alexander asked, already knowing the answer. "Well a vampire hunter can not just go out and start hunting as soon as he is born," I replied with a chuckle "but let us skip forward till the time Wulfric was 10."

It was Wulfric's 10th birthday. He sat on his bed pretending to sleep. knowing that his parents would soon be upstairs to wake him. The night before his father had read him a story as he drifted off to sleep. It was a story of a man that was also a wolf, that hunted vampires. This story intrigued him greatly. He was lying there as he heard his parents creak their way up the stairs to his bedroom.

He quickly closed his eyes as his parents walked in and took position on both sides of his bed. His mother leaned down to kiss his forehead as he slowly and tiredly opened his eyes. "Good morning, Wulfric." his mother said with a smile. He looked into her hands to see a package. He turned to look at his father who was holding something behind his back. "Hello mother, father." He said looking between his two parents. "We have something for you." His mother said with a smile. She handed him the package before giving him a nod and a smile saying it was okay to open it. He carefully unwrapped the package to find a small hunter's outfit. He smiled up at his mother before holding his hands up to hug her. She smiled and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much mother. I love you." " I love you too Wulfric." She said and motioned towards his father.

He looked at his father who smiled and pulled a crossbow from behind his back, handing it to his son. Wulfric held it in both of his hands in awe as he looked over the weapon. It was made of a fine hard-oak wood. And the iron smooth iron that reached from front to back of the weapon.

"Thank you so much father." Wulfric said as he reached up to give his father a hug. "You are welcome my son." his father replied as he broke away from the hug. "Put on your new outfit and come down stairs, your father will take you out back and teach you how to use your bow." she said as she smiled and both of his parents walked out of the room.

He was so excited to try on his new outfit and to fire his new crossbow. Just like the book, he thought to himself as he climbed out of bed and took off his night-wear to put on his hunter uniform.

He walked down the stairs and saw that his mother had already prepared his breakfast. "You go ahead and eat, then your father is out back waiting for you so you can try out your crossbow." She said as she leaned down to kiss him and went on with her morning chores.

He sat his bow down in the chair next to him, and quickly ate his breakfast of fresh eggs and bacon and and drank the glass of fresh squeezed orange juice that his mother always made for him. After he finished, he put all of his dishes into the sink like every morning and picked up his bow and went outside to meet his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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