Mori X Chunky Reader (Lemon)- Supple Snack

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You smiled humming a small tune as you continued to cut cake and other sweets and making coffee and other hot drinks for the Host Club. 

Yeah, you worked for the Host Club as prep. A few hours before the Host Club was officially opened, you would set the tea sets out, set the tables and prepare the sweets and drinks for the costumers. 

You got roped into this thanks to your good friend Haruhi, you along with the Host Club were the only ones who knew that Haruhi was actually a girl. Though, you still couldn’t understand why the others couldn’t see it.

The Host Club didn’t trust you to keep her secret at first which was ridiculous, but the more you spent time with them, the more they trusted you. 

You could’ve quit any time after that, but you enjoyed the Host Club so much along with its silly yet amusing members.

Though, you did have another reason to stay too…

Morinazuka Takashi.

The silent, stoic type that many customers saw him as, but to you he was the sweet, caring man you got to know.

Not to mention he saved you as well. You see, you were different from many girls. You didn’t have the ideal womanly figure; thin, fragile looking, Oh God no.

You were the chunky girl that everybody picked on and being with the Host Club made the bullying ten times worse. Mori saved you from some male bullies one day after they decided to beat you up. Let’s just say those guys don’t go to Ouran anymore. 

After that day, Mori was strangely protective of you and always making sure you were okay. You tried to tell him you would be okay, but he was stubborn so you just let it go and got to know him better.

That was a year ago, and the two of you have gotten really close. You knew the real Mori and you fell in love with him. You were too scared to tell him though. There was no way someone like him would fall for a girl like you.

You gave a sad smile as you grabbed two plates and made your way towards the current table you were setting up only to run into what you thought was a wall making you give out a huff as you felt yourself stumbled backwards falling.

You were bracing your body for the impact only to be pulled into a strong chest as you heard shatters ring out.

After a few moments of initial shock, you looked up to stare into Mori’s onyx eyes that were filled with concern.

“M-mori, what are you doing here?” He didn’t say anything only picking you up and placing you on the counter making you blush.

“I wanted to check on you, good thing I did.” You averted his gaze as you nodded.

You felt one of his hands stroke your thick leg making you blush as you looked up at him.

 “M-mori?” You were suddenly silenced by his lips as the hand that was on your waist traveled up to your neck to pull you closer to him. The hand that was on your leg pushed up moving the material of your (favorite color) dress up revealing your (favorite color) lacey panties.

Your face was a deep red as he slid his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance which you hesitantly granted. Your tongues met as you two battled for dominance.

You wrapped your arms around his strong neck deepening the heated kiss as Mori broke it, the two of you trying to catch your breaths.

“W-why?” Your mind was running a million miles an hour as you tried to comprehend this situation.

“I love you (your name).” The blunt reply made your eyes widen as you leant your forehead against his sighing.

“Why me Mori?” You stared into his deep Onyx eyes seeing a spark.

Mori X Chunky Reader (Lemon)- Supple SnackWhere stories live. Discover now