Perfection Speech

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Perfection Speech

Perfection. 1 word. 10 Letters. Thousands of miserable teenage girls.

Most people think that Perfection is just a word but the overall effect of this 'word' is huge whether it's negative or positive.

When I was younger I thought perfection meant being a perfect 10/10 but really it's just about being a perfect version of you.

Not only is this 'Word' perfection taking away our perception on beauty, it's also robbing us of our money as we think it's necessary to cover up our natural beauty with something so fake we might as well call ourselves The Barbie's of the real world. Honestly, Make up is just there to make us feel worse about ourselves, because in reality we will never look like what we do with make up on.

Everyone in this room has judged someone already today. Whether you realized it or not. This is why we all worry about our appearance, because we know that almost every single person we see will judge us. Perfection has turned our Mufti Day into 'Judgement Day', a day where people feel self-conscious about what the wear or how they look. We've turned a day that's supposed to be special day into a day where some students are scared to come to school because of the fear of being judged.

So this word perfection is stealing our life, our self-confidence and our money and leaves us with what? A feeling of failure that we'll never be perfect? Because of this feeling we feel broken inside. Sick and tired of not feeling beautiful. Sick of fighting to be something that deep down we know we will never be. And because of this we are scared; scared that we'll never find True friends or even love.

It's a new type of Pain, the kind that can't be fixed with a nap and a couple of Panadol. As John Green says, "That's the thing about pain. Its demands to be felt." And it's true, whether it's a headache or heartbreak. It demands to be felt; it fills us with a hollow emptiness that drains us to the point where we might not be alone but still feel lonely.

So perfection, do you still think it's just a word? Easily ignored? Because it's not, it may just be 10 letters but it affects hundreds of people worldwide and is ruining society as we know it. It's the thing that's causing the worlds increasing suicide rates, because people think it's better to die than to be their imperfect selves.

So let's grab our dictionaries and scribble out the definition of perfection. Because as far as I'm concerned, there is no such thing as perfection.

I would be very happy if everyone in this room stopped looking in the mirror and pointing out our flaws, because without those flaws we would all be just like Barbie dolls.

So learn to love yourself for who you are and realize you are perfect, you're the perfect version of YOU.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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