Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Today is the first day of my sophomore year and I couldn't be less excited. I absolutely hate school it's a complete waste of my time and energy and I could be doing way more important things. On the bright side their have always been cute guys at my school so at least I have something to entertain me.

I get up and do my usual routine.

1.wake up at 6am.

2. Take a shower and wash hair.

3. Put on foundation and mascara. I usually don't wear much make up cause I don't like all that stuff on my face. Oh! I can't forget my watermelon lip gloss.

5. Do my hair

6. Grab my shit and leave.

Now your probably wondering what I look like well I'm around 5'6 have a really tanned skin tone. And have brown hair that is a little past my boobs. I have light green eyes and am pretty sexy if I do say so myself.

Well any ways after I do my routine. I pick out my out fit which is a white crop top that's says " I woke up like dis, FLAWLESS" which is my favorite shirt. And some black high waisted shorts with my black vans.

I decided to lightly curl my hair today. I mean come on. You gotta dress to impress. Am I right ladies?!

Then I look at the clock to see that it's 7:00 and I'm gonna be late for my first day,cause class starts at 7:20 and I refuse to eat school food so I have to eat breakfast here. So I run down stairs grap a bowl of cereal cocoa puffs which are btw my favorite and eat them really quick. By the time I finish it's 7:08 and I grab my Victoria secret bag with tribal elephants on it which I absolutely love!! And my keys to my car which is a porch by the way and run to the garage and head to school. It's like a ten minute drive.

Your probably wondering where my parents are. Well I just live with my mom cause my dad is a dead beat and decided to leave us when I was a baby but my mom work nights so she is still asleep during all of this.

So I get there at 7:18 with two minutes to spare and I run to home room, and just as I take my seat the tardy bell rings. Thank god I wasn't late on my first day gosh that would have been embarrassing, but now that I think about it I could have made a grand entrance. I mentally smack my self in the head.

Once I finally calm down I take a look around the class room to see only a fraction of the people I have to spend the rest of my miserable school year with. I see some familiar faces and some new ones. I look to seats across from me and I see my absolute best friend since diapers Amber she is just one of the few people I don't completely hate it this world.

All of the sudden I get a text. From Amber of course

Amber: Hey slut. I missed ya this summer. Let's skip later. Oh and btw I love your shirt!!

Me: first of all who you callin slut you Thot. And no we are not skipping on our first day! And I missed you too

Amber: uggg gosh your such a goodie goodie live a little your such a pussy.

Me: I am not! And stop texting me were gonna get in trouble!!

Amber: my point exactly. And no we're not Ms Briggs is asleep back there. Or at least I hope she is!!

Me: ha, maybe not but I haven't got to talk to you all summer. How was Egypt?!

( Amber went to Egypt over the summer for some kind of volunteer program and I haven't seen her all summer!)

Amber: yea it was great I'll talk to you about it later. Cause I kinda met someone. Lol.

Me: look who's the slut now. Hhhmmmm. Ok lol.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. And this extremely gorgeous guys walks in and scares the shit out of Ms Briggs! Haha totally made my day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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