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The bell of the library's door rung with a cute sound as the small boy stepped inside.

He fixed the sweater he was wearing and continued on his way

His blonde hair bounced as he walked to the book shelf where his desired book lay waiting for him. A small smile graced his chubby cheeks as he picked up the book he wanted.

The hardcover was barley touched as most people don't like to read such lewd novels. But for jimin he didn't want the book for the words of filth. He wanted the book because it made him feel like more of a person. He never got an uncomfortable boner, all he felt was slightly jealous that the characters in the book had a love that they can show with their body's. Every time he read a book he couldn't help but want that for himself, he felt a pang in his heart when he finished the book as he lay in his bed with no one by his side. 

He walked to the counter and placed the book on the counter and rung the little girly bell at the right side of the desk

In came seokjin holding what looked like a Tupperware container with muffins in it

"Hello jimin. Are you buying or checking out today?" He asked sweetly as he put his glasses on

"I think I'm going to buy" he smiled softly at his only friend

Jin nodded and handed him the book as he was handing him money he pushed his hand back 

"No need. You've been buying books from me since you were twelve. From now on its all on the house just let me know so i can put that in the system" he smiled a charming smile and put the Tupperware on the counter

"Also I baked you some muffins. There are banana nut, blueberry, and cherry Lemon. Don't eat too many of them on one day though you'll get sick"

Jimin was shocked by jins actions so much that he couldn't form a sentence

"I-I can't accept that you need to run your store a-and the-" jin cut him off

"Don't  worry about that. my husband is a lawyer and a famous one at that. Your like a son to me jiminie, and one of my only friends i hold you dear to my heart. Now take your muffins and book, come visit me again tomorrow and let me know if you make a new friend" jimin smiled and nodded

It felt good for jin to say that to him. Jin was aware of his problem with talking to people and was totally accepting and didn't pressure him to do anything though he did push him to make friends, but he didn't mind him was looking out for him and that was a blessing to him

He turned the corner where his favorite coffee shop was the smile on his face never disappearing

As soon as he opened the door that changed

The small coffee shop was packed with people and the outside seating wasn't any better

He was pushed into the shop as more people filled the coffee shop

He was trapped in his worst nightmare like a sardine in a can

He was turning in circles, the shop was spinning in circles he felt liks he was about to pass out his vision was getting dizzy but before he could collapse he was pulled out of the shop by a pair of strong hands he's never felt before. Usually if someone were to grab him he would scream but these hands were oddly comforting

He was now outside the shop head down and breathing unsteady

"Are you okay?" A deep raspy voice asked as wide hands rubbed jimins back

He just noticed the fat and salty tears running down his cheeks 

Jimin looked up at the slightly taller male who was shushing him and rubbing his back. He was quite handsome. His pale skin clashed with his jet black hair in the best of ways. His small almond shaped feline like eyes were softened with delicate butterfly like eyelashes. His small pouty pink lips were pulled Into a gentle smile

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