Chapter 6

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The fragrance of cinnamon wafting through the air startles me out of my slumber. I've been known for my absolute insatiably when it comes to food and the fact that the smell of it wakes me up is not even slightly surprising. But what causes me to shoot out of bed and bolt downstairs like a half awake, almost all my glory zombie-self is when my slow brain begins to actually process information to remind me that I'm the only one here. Or should I rephrase that I'm the only that should be here.

My covered feet cause me me slide into the kitchen ever so gracefully, almost crashing into none other than Maddox Pierce. However, my hands grasp on the marble island helps pull me to a stop.

"Why? Why? Why?" I yell at God and Maddox. "Is it because I stole that candy from the diner when I was four? I apologized!" My mouth rambles as I look up at the ceiling.

Maddox smiles slightly while setting down the ladle that is covered in waffle batter; "And hello to you too." His eyes scan me up and down as my hands find the hem of my long pajama shirt, tugging it further down my legs.

"Can I help you?" I spit aggressively, popping my hip and crossing my arms.

His brown eyes find mine, inviting them in to their current warmth. Maddox looks almost loving, certainly more welcoming than I'm use to. "The only way you can help me is by eating all of this delicious food." His pearly white teeth are on full view as he uses his overly large hands to gesture to the food surrounding him.

"Did you cook all of this?" I question worriedly

"I did."

"And you called it delicious? Are you trying to poison me? Is this part of the plan?" The talk man coughs, choking on whatever was in his mouth.

"What?! No! This wasn't part of a plan. Look Audrey, I really messed up with you and I wanted to do something to make it up to you."

"So you break into this house and cook me breakfast?" My eyebrow raises in complete suspicion.

"Jesus. Your door was unlocked, again. You should be more careful than that!" He releases a breathe, " Anyways, I brought the ingredients and cooked everything up. I just really wanted to make you happy. There is French toast, waffles, pancakes, crepes, and lots of fruit. I called your chef and he told me that French toast is your favorite. I also made you hot chocolate because that's all I've seen you drink which is bizarre but you do you." His mouth moves so quickly when he rambles, it's almost cute. Almost.

"Hey!" I yell to quiet him; "Thank you." I smile at him and move to grab two plates from the pristine white cupboard. I hand him the clean, white plate, then grab several pieces of French toast. My mouth waters as I reach for a couple waffles and a spoonful of fruit. My white socks slide against the hardwood as I carry my two plates of food and hot chocolate to the kitchen table.

"No pancakes?" Maddox questions as he set his three plates of food down and plops down besides me.

My lips curl up into a sneer as my eyebrows pull together "Oh God, no."

His eyebrow raises but he shakes his head as if to say nevermind. Good, let me live.

I bring a forkful of cinnamon French toast, dripping in syrup, to my lips almost moaning at the taste. Perfection. My eyes drift to my left to see how Maddox is enjoying his food but instead find him staring at me as if he could see exactly what kind of candy I stole from the diner when I was four. My lips pull together as a "pfttttt" comes rolling from my mouth. Nah, he couldn't know. That's my secret. I bring another piece of French toast to my mouth as a reward for my mini clarification. However, I still feel his gaze burning a hole into my left cheekbone. My posture moves from its previous slouched position to an "upright, proper, stickup-my-butt" position. I place the fork onto my plate and dab my syrup covered lips with a napkin. I then turn in my chair to face my accuser or whatever the scary man child is.

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