The meeting

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            Sherlock made his way down the hallway to his dormitory. He didn't like his School, or at least the students and teachers. He was returning to room 22 in building 1B, and open the door. He had returned with a black eye and druses ribs. He had some how flead from a particular visions beating from the football team again (Soccer, for the America people).

              He laid on his bed groaning in pain, looking at the celling. His brother had removed a pertickular boy from his room so he was left lying there in peace. Sherlock laid there for what felt like an eternity when a nock came from his door. He grudgingly stood and opened the door. He saw Mrs. Hudson , the schools nurse, with another boy. He was short and round in the face, but had a muscular build to him. 

            "Hello Sherlock I would like you to meet your new roommate, John Watson." Spoke Mrs.Hudson in her cheery voice. Sherlock rolled his eyes at this and started to make his way back to the bed, in to much pain to protest. " OH MY! Sherlock what happened to your face?" She cried walking towards him. 

            "Leave me be Mrs. Hudson! Why do I have to have a roommate?" Sherlock snapped, while swating her had away and glared at John. 

              " Your brother thought it best for you to socialize. Now I'll leave you two be, and don't get into any more fights." Spoke Mrs. Hudson as she scurryed out the door. Sherlock growled loudly and flopped onto his bed, being carful not to land on his ribs to hard. 

                John stood at the door way looking at the room. He watched as the y'all skinny boy with a full head of black curls lay on his bed in iratation. John aqurdly walked over to the empty side of the room and placed his stuff on the bed. "You'll want to keep everything in that." Spoke the skinny boy in a baritone voice. 

               John looked at him in confusion as he started to unlock it. "Why would you say that?" John slowly question staring at Sherlock. 

               "Dew to the fact that you won't want to stay here, and your a football player. So you most definitely won't want to stay here." Sherlock huffed as he glanced at John. 

                "H-How did you.."

                 "By your shoes. You don't need to stand there all shocked. I can also tell you that your father is abusive and your brother was kiked out. You have a dad shoulder from an old wonde from your father so you expected the Scolarship to this school to get away from him. From that I would suspect that you will fit in with the rest of the team and so you won't want to stay here with the 'freck'"interved Sherlock. He braces himself for a punch. 

                   "That was.... Brilliant! 

                    "Really?" Questioned Sherlock as he losened.

                      "Ya that was amazing!"

                       "That's not what most people say" 

                       "What do most people say?"

                         "Piss off!" 


Well that was the first chapter I don't think that was to great. Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I will be adding more details in later chapters. 


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