Welcome to SAFF Academy Ch. 2

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Chapter 2

POV- Ronnie Light

I unlock my new bedroom's door which I have been searching frantically for 10 minutes. The bedroom was like any ordinary boarding school room. A single bed with white sheets that matched the curtains I note not to touch when I have dirty hands. Walls that were painted in light beige while the carpet was a boring brown the same shade as the desk and the wardrobe facing each other. Quite boring and simple but not for long I hope with some DIY.

I dropped my bags on the floor closing the door before diving to the bed. I closed my eyes to help take in the new surroundings and come to concept with it all. One year would be enough to get discovered.

Opening my eyes again I see a white sheet stuck to the door that looked like a timetable. Standing up and stretching from the uncomfortable position I lay I look at the sheet which said.

Name: Ronnie Light

Sports Level- Class 1 (Expert)

6:00- Swimming practice (Finishes 7:00)

8:00- Breakfast

8:50- English

9:50- Science

10:00- Soccer

11:30- Lunch

12:50- Maths

13:50- Sports Leadership

14:50- School Day Ends

(Any extra activities would be after school in your own time)

I knew that there would tough and tiring entry exams that I would have to participate in from the talk Mr Hurshman the principle he anticipated that though we got accepted does not necessarily mean we can be on the school team so my first exam is in less than 10 minutes...


I ran towards my football (soccer) bag throwing its content on my bed pulling part the neatly folded football t- shirts and decided on a 'The Maine' black tee and black and red basketball shorts with a pair of long cotton sock matching my black Nike's perfect first impressions.

I grabbed my phone, keys and a half filled bottle of water rushing out the door without looking at the mess I've left.

I walk out the girl's dorm realizing that I have no idea where I am supposed to go.

Slapping my forehead continuously

"Hey are you alright" A deep humorous voice spoke up behind making me realize how stupid I look a girl on the front of the stairs slapping her head.

"No" I pout folding my arms towards the guy I presume if it wasn't it would be so awkward for me I am the worst subtle person in the world. I would be like 'Hi dude...I mean not that you have a voice..."

"You look fairly new, where are you off to?" The boy walked from behind me smiling through the thick brew of red hair.

"Football. Do you know where it is because I have no idea and I am supposed to be there in less than 5 minutes so I would be pleased if you would give me directions" I rambled

"Sure thing follow me I have a my swimming exam in 1 hour so I am free as can be" he rhymed

So I would be seeing him in the next hour exciting to see what he has got not going to tell him I am going to be there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2010 ⏰

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