Chapter 1:

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 As much as I want our story to be as cheesy  as those we see in (cliché) movies, where the boy bumps into the girl with the eyeglasses who's carrying a crapload of books and then duh as a result the books go buh bye and goes falling to the floor, boy then helps girl pick up them books and right there and then, it's love at first sight, we both know that it would never happen because that simply wasn't us. We weren't those sweet, goody-goody, pleasant characters because we were them characters who were rowdy and would always put up a fight for what we believe in. We are most definitely not one of them fictional characters who falls in love and have our happy ending because, I don't always get what I want and prince charming isn't always there to save Ms. damsel in distress. In my case, he was my down fall. Unfortunately, this was reality and as much as I want us to be together that would never happen because he was not meant for me even though I so want that to happen. I was a cynic sort of and I actually thought that he would be that person who would prove to me that true love does exist, HOW PATHETIC OF ME, and I was so wrong.  This is the story of how he broke my heart. This is the story of the girl he loved.

 Our first encounter wasn't exactly ideal. At first, I thought that we'd be enemies, that we'd hate each other til the end of time, and that we'll be arguing non stop. Turns out, I'd fall in love with him. It all started in our english class where I was lost in my thoughts thinking about what else, but Romeo and Juliet, our subject matter.  


What if he's your Romeo but you're not his Juliet? I guess that would be good. I mean, no one would be drinking poison, and no one would be stabbing themselves in the heart, right? HEEY, I mean what if Romeo and Juliet never met? No love at first sight crap. What if they never fell in love with each other? THEY WOULD BE ALIVE! Bloodshed and pointless deaths wouldn’t happen. NO EMOTIONAL SHIZ. And maybe, just maybe their so called happy (not) ending would happen. I just don't understand how people call that true love because in my opinion that's BS.

We are (finally) at the latter parts and I feel extremely happy because of that, it's finally ending! This tragedy is the epitome of stupidity. I really hated the idea of killing yourself because the love of your life died. Like what the hell? Why won't you just MAN UP and live your life without him. Move on and let it go. I know it's painstaking not feeling his physical presence, not seeing his gorgeous smile or even hearing his infectious cackle but life doesn’t stop there. In a matter of months, anything could happen, things get better. He’s still alive in your heart as long as you don’t forget him. He’s not gone, not at all, he’s just resting somewhere.

My seatmate then interrupted my reverie by flicking my forehead really, I mean really hard.

"WHAT?" I exclaimed and glared at him, he then pointed to the front. Turns out Mr. Martins was calling my attention. Oh, that's why.

"Ms. Wouters, are you even listening? If so express your opinion on this tragedy. C'mon and share what's going on on that brain of yours. If you don't, get out of class and go straight to the detention office." With that I stood up and spoke.

"Romeo and Juliet is not a love story. It's a five-day relationship between a thirteen year old and a seventeen year old that caused six deaths.It's not true love, I think it's pointless and stu- ."

I was cut off by my (IRRITATING) seatmate, (you know the one that flicked my forehead earlier) and he also stood up, "It is true love! Isn't romantic when the person you love can't live without you so she ends up killing herself?"  Okay that sounds so fracking weird. Is there something wrong with him or is he really that retarded?

"WHAT? That sounds so wrong. Are you brain-dead? As I was saying, it's not romantic, that's stupid. Wouldn't it be better if one of them lived or wouldn't it be better if one of them gave up? They knew each other for only a short period of time and their families are sworn enemies, it's like they really want to end up in the grave way earlier than expected." 

"What I mean is that true love is sacrifice, not only do they love each other so much that they can't live without each other, they also loved their families so much that they were the reason why the family feud between the Montagues and Capulets stopped."

"That can be resolved in another way. Reconciliation can be done without fudging pointless deaths!"

Our little debate stopped when Mr. Martins cleared his throat. "EHEM. That's enough. Well, that was actually amusing but still everybody's entitled to their opinion. Sit down, both of you and Ms. Wouters next time listen to disscusion."

We both sat down and time in that class went by so slow. After what felt like eternity, the bell finally rung. I collected my stuff and headed to the door. I then went to the cafeteria on my clique's seat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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