Burning love.

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It was a chilly night here in Memphis. Antonella,Bruce,Elvis and myself walking home from one of our favourite hang out spots here 'sweethearts diner'. We had all met in our senior year at Humes high-school when we was put into the same english literature class, Antonella and Bruce were practically inseparable since they laid their eyes on each other, they had recently bought a two bedroom house together they were truly highschool sweethearts, on the other hand me and elvis were both single I had recently come out of a four year relationship and elvis was messing around with girls he meets. Every where we go elvis got female attention, I'm not going to lie I'm jealous of the girls that got more than his attention, we all had this beautiful connection just like we was all brothers and sisters we depended on each other and always was there for each other. We was the only kids that stayed in touch after leaving Humes.

We had walked for twenty minutes down a long path to Antonella and Bruce's house, it was in a middle class neighbour hood. It was a perfect neighbourhood to start a family, we got to their house which had barely any furniture in, it wasn't empty but the room wasn't full, we all gathered in the kitchen, me and Antonella sat on the kitchen work tops and elvis and Bruce stood up, Antonella poured her and myself a glass of wine while Bruce and elvis had a small glass of whiskey.Elvis kept swirling the whiskey around in the glass the ice cubes kept clinking against each other and it was driving me insane,He did this when he was nervous.Antonella and Bruce were debating where to put furniture and were asking for my opinion on where to put their couch,I kept staring at elvis and was in my own little world.He is picture perfect,Big firm hands,his perfect lips and his cute pointy nose and his perfectly slicked back hair.

Everybody knew i had a thing for Elvis but he didn't, His mother Gladys would joke around with me calling me the perfect daughter in law, Me and Elvis would both blush when she said that but he'll put my head inbetween his arm and body and give me a noogie and insist were just brother and sisters the colours in his face started to drain out.

I slid off the counter top, I put my glass of wine down and took the glass of whiskey out of his hands and buttoned his blazer up and grabbed his warm hand and lead him outside to Antonellas and Bruce's front garden, they had a swing bench on their porch, elvis took a seat and pulled me to sit on his lap, He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head against my back and locked our fingers inbetween each other. I had a huge smile on my face like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. "What's wrong with you E? Don't tell me nothing is wrong because I know there is, you've been quite all night and we both you aren't the most quietest person around here" he took a deep breathe in as he exhaled I could feel his warm breathe against my back, "Im being drafted into the military Reanne in three days I don't know where I'll be stationed and how long for but I'm going away" he said with a little tremble in his sweet southern voice. I squeezed his hands tight as my eyes began to fill with tears. I stood up and patted my dress down and wiped the tears from my eyes and went back inside without saying a word to elvis, my heart dropped when he told me. I headed to the bathroom,locked the door and sat on the toilet as i bawled my eyes out, my lipstick and makeup became smudged. I kept on imagining what if I had told elvis my true feelings when we left school? Have I left it too late because I was a stubborn son of a bitch to tell him how i truly felt. I could Elvis talking to bruce again in the kitchen quietly.

I stood up from the toilet and walked over to the sink and turned the cold and hot water on i washed the make up off my face , I unpinned my hair from the style I had it in, I patted my face dry with a towel. I looked in the mirror and my eyes are bloodshot, I have no idea what I'm going to say if anyone asks why they're bright red.

I took a deep breathe in and unlocked the door, Antonella was standing at the door waiting for me, she pulled me into her bedroom and sat me on the bed. She sighed "he just told us too I'm sorry reanne" she said as she pulled me close and stroked my hair. She started crying too , when ever we saw each other in a bad mood it effected us both, if she saw me cry she'd cry, if She was crying I was too.. Our emotions effected us both. We was both sobbing our eyes out, I thought we'd be the best of friends till we were old and never leave each other's sides.

I pulled away from Antonellas warm body and wiped the tears from her face "it'll be okay we'll never loose contact with him". I wiped away the tears off my face with the sleeve of my cardigan, i stood up and pulled Antonella up from her bed, we tightly hugged and i opened the bedroom door and the boys were quite all of a sudden, we linked our arms together and headed into kitchen, me and Antonella stood there in silence and so did the boys, you could cut the tension with a knife if it was possible, I poured myself and Antonella a glass of whiskey, we clashed our glasses together "cheers to the future" we said as we downed the whiskey down our throats.

Antonella put her glass down and headed to her box of vinyls and picked out a frank sinatra vinyl and put it on the player 'one for my baby' started playing, it was my favourite frank sinatra song. She ran over to me and grabbed me and we danced around the living room, I could tell she was slightly drunk, we've had the best times when we have been drunk together. The boys were laughing and shaking their heads. "elvis may I take this dance with you" bruce said as he bowed and took Elvis's hand and kissed it he said In his strong New Yorker accent, "sure thing" elvis blushed, we was all dancing to frank sinatra like old times. My stomach was hurting from laughing at elvis and Bruce dancing together, I was getting dizzy from spinning around in every direction. I let go of Antonella and headed to the kitchen and drank some water and sat down on the cold wood floor, i put my head in my hands and took deep breathes, the alcohol and dizziness wasn't going together, I heard heavy footsteps becoming towards me, I looked up and saw Elvis looking down at me. He unbuttoned his blazer and put it around my broad shoulders and sits next to me. We sat there in silence, he pulled me closer and wrapped his right arm around my body as I curled up and rested my head on his lap, he started stroking my hair and face. I kept falling in and out of sleep.i could hear Bruce and elvis singing along to the songs playing on the player.

Elvis pulled me up so I was sitting up again, he turned my body facing towards him, he placed his cold thumb under my chin and kissed me, I instantly felt a warm rush through my body, his kiss was like morphine it numbed me I couldn't say a word, I could taste the whiskey on his lips, as he pulled away I licked my lips to get the last taste of him. "I was waiting to do that for a very long time reanne" elvis said chuckling "thank god for that because I was too" we both had huge smiles on our faces, I stood up and poured myself a glass of wine, elvis stood behind me placing his hands on my waist and started kissing my neck, his kisses were like electric that sent shivers throughout my body, Elvis often sang 'I need you so' because it was my favourite song of his, he softly sung "When the day is done I miss you so I lie and wait To hear you knock on the door" we slowly moved side to side. I could see in the corner of my eye Bruce and Antonella staring at us.

During the middle of me and elvis practically being stuck together by our tongue and mouths there was someone banging at the door, Bruce Rushed to his feet and answered the door, it was his manager Colonel and Elvis's new Hollywood friends, I never liked either of them. They didn't want elvis to be around us because we wasn't popular enough, they made my blood boil.

"Time to go Elvis" Colonel said as he poured himself a glass of whiskey before swallowing it in one go. Elvis pulled away from me and left the house without saying a goodbye, that asshole always acted different around his new friends. You could hear them laughing and talking as they walked down the pathway to colonels car. I could hear the car doors shutting and then the Engine start. The room was quite, I could see the frustration on Bruce's face, little did Antonella know Bruce was going to propose to her and Bruce wanted to ask Elvis if he'd be the best man. I had been going out with Bruce on the sly to help him choose engagement rings out, the ring was beautiful, it was a beautiful princess cut diamond. It sparkled every time the sun hit it. I knew she was going to love it. I couldn't wait for the wedding already.

I picked my bag up from the side of their sofa and said my goodbyes and headed home, the streets were dark and it started raining lightly, I finally got home and quietly made my way up to my bedroom, I lit a few candles, got dressed into my night shorts and one one Elvis's old shirts he gave me and grabbed my photoalbum and started getting lost in all the great memories we've had, those summer when we used to go camping in Texas,those restless nights when we would sneak out of our homes meet at a park near our school. For every photo that was taken there was a small paragraph attached to it, my favourite photo us four was when me and Antonella dressed the boys up in our clothes and did their make up and hair and had to go in public dressed like that, they had lost a bet but I cannot remember what the bet was.I put the photo-album underneath my spare pillow and tried to fall asleep but all I kept thinking about was elvis.

♡..Oh what a night..♡Where stories live. Discover now