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HHHHHHH It's so late, and I haven't even looked over this, but I wanted to publish it tonight. I'll just edit it tomorrow. :)
So again,
sorry for the mistakessss

The ravenette was surprisingly easy to talk.
Once we had gotten to the cafe he had sent me to go pick out a table well he ordered for us.
So I wandered to the back of the cafe, looking for a nice place to sit, and admiring all the artwork that was hanging everywhere.
Once I got to the very back, I noticed the perfect seat- a nice booth, right next to a pair of large windows.

I sat down in the booth and waited for him to come back with our drinks. I didn't actually expect him to get my order right, (how could I? We had literally just met.), but whatever he got me I would be perfectly content drinking either way.

Somehow though, he had gotten exactly what I wanted. An iced americano. I had been craving one all night, as it was one of my favorite drinks. I hardly minded that it was in middle of the night. And apparently neither did he.

I also noticed that he walked over with a tray of baked goods and snacks. It looked like multiple miniature bite-size frosted cakes, macaroons,  croissants, and cookies.


what a man.

My mouth was watering.
I didn't know if it was for him, or the treats he was carrying. But in all honesty, he himself was a full

"I hope this is okay" he said as he set all the food down, " I didn't know what you liked... so I kind of just  a little of everything." He smiled. "And I got you an iced americano, I don't know how you feel about drinking coffee at night, it didn't occur to me until after I had gotten it." He says sheepishly.

I laughed, " No, this is great, the food looks amazing! And actually iced americanos are pretty much one my favorite drinks. I'll have them anytime."

"Iced americanos are my favorite drinks too!" He said fondly, " I guess this just means we need to go out together and get them more often." He winked.

My cheeks burned, and turned rosy. I loved the thought of regularly going out with him to get coffee. Or just going out with him. Or just spending time with him. Or just seeing him. Man I was crushing. Hard.

It occurred to me  about half way through our date that I had forgotten to ask him something.

His name.

I couldn't believe I had forgotten!
What was wrong with me?!

I stopped what I was doing immediately- which was pouring  more cream  and sugar  into my coffee, and looked up at him. "Hey, by the way... what's your name?" I asked with a nervous laughter.

He smirked and shook his head in amusement before replying  "My name's Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

I liked it.
Min Yoongi.
Min Hoseok?
Hahahahaha no just kidding...
kind of.

I picked at one of the small frosted cake and smiled shyly as I introduced myself as well
" I'm Jung Hoseok."

His eyes sparkled.
"well, it's nice to meet you Hoseok." He said with a smile. With the cutest smile that I had literally ever seen. He had a gummy smile.
And it was a gift from god
Every time he cracked a smile, I completely melted inside at the cuteness.
God he was so adorable. .

"Actually, on that note, I've been meaning to ask something: how old are you?" I questioned him curiously. 

I already knew that he was going to be older than me. There was no way he was still in high school. He walked with a sense of purpose, and had a mature aura that surrounded him. He probably already had a job. A well paying one at that, his clothes were way to fancy for him to not be payed well. And he was also currently sporting a Rolex on his wrist. He's probably a model. He definitely has the looks to be one.

"I'm 25. I guess I'm your hyung" he said with a smirk.

There it is.
He was older than me,
by 7 years.
I didn't have a chance, did I?

We continued talking for a little bit as we sat around,  sipping our coffee, and snacking on our treats. It was actually very fun, and relaxing. Even though I was still slightly bewildered at our age difference. I  really enjoyed his company, and found him extremely interesting. He seemed like a  sweetheart, but sometimes he would throw in a suggesting joke and I would be taken back for a moment. Not that I minded. His comments always made me giddy.

"So, you must still be in high school, right?" He brought up.

I nodded my head as I sipped some of my drink. "Yep, I'm in my senior year." I state proudly.

"Wow really? That's awesome, do you plan on going to college?" He asked.

I nodded my head excitedly. "Yeah! I was thinking about majoring in dance and music... but I'm not exactly sure. I still have time to decide."

I loved the idea of producing music and dancing to it as my future. Music and dance were my favorite things at this point. They made me happy, and I loved doing them. And I wasn't that bad at them either.

He looked shock once I said this. "Wow! Really? That's awesome! I majored in music as well!"

"You did?" I asked shocked and amazed, "what did you start doing with it?"

" I opened my own music company." He stated proudly.

"That's amazing! Wow. I would adore doing something like that in the future as well!" I gushed, completely awed at his profession.

He smirked, seemingly pleased at my reaction and interest in his work. "I'm sure you will. I'd bet you'd be great at it. You mentioned you wanted to dance as well right? That'll be big too!  He encouraged.

I nodded my head "Yeah, I've been taking classes for a long time, and I really, really enjoy it! Im pretty good at it too, I've actually started volunteering at a dance  studio recently to help teach younger students." I started speaking, caught up in my excitement. He didn't seem to mind though. He was leaving forward on the table, smiling and nodding fondly at what I was saying. It was nice to see that he was so into what I was speaking though.
" Luckily the owner of the studio has started paying me a little bit to do so. Because I'm taking multiple dance classes, and they're all extremely expensive. And recently they were even talking about opening up a new B-boying class, which I'd love to join. But I might have to get a job if I do, it'd be totally worth it though!"

"Oh, a job?" He questioned with a grin on his face and a glint in his eyes. "I mean there's always other options instead of that as well."

"Really? Like what?" I asked curiously as I sipped more on my americano. "If your suggesting that I become a prostitute or a stripper, trust me. I've already thought of that, but I'd honestly really rather not. I'd prefer a little bit of a more cleaner job." I say as I wrinkle my nose.

He bursted our laughing fir a couple seconds before responding.
"Well, not exactly. You said you were 18... so that's about a 7 year age difference between us... that's a perfect enough age gap for me to be your Sugar Daddy. Sounds good, right?"

I choked on my coffee.

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