A Worthy Sacrifice: For Love

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SPRING: 2025

After waking up from a long well deserved nap with my youngest son, Cole, I fallowed him to the back yard, where my eldest daughter, Emily 18, and her android Connor sat down to work on her homework. Emily would scribble something down, Connor would make a rediculous comment, Emmy would say something back, Connor would respond gently and Emily would laugh. I have know idea what she saw in that android but I'm glad it made her happy after being bullied so much freshman year. She treated that android so well, as if it was an actual person.
It was two years later when things started getting ridiculus. Cole was home with his mother, I was at work, and Emily was out at the mall with Connor. I got occasional messages from Emily that she was okay, Connor was fine, and all the nine yards. It was around dinner time when I was about to leave for home, that my office got an emergency phone call, and from Connor, something had happened to Emily. She was stabbed I think. They were being robbed, the guy wanted Connor, and Emily wouldn't give him up. The guy pulled out a knife and threatened trouble and Emily stepped infront, the guy stabbed her and Connor called 911. I ran out there despite my bosses instructions. I just wanted my little girl to be ok. Instead of going to find the ASSHOLE who stabbed my little girl, I met Connor and Emily at the hospital. Emily was okay, they had already cleaned and stitched her up. She was sitting up and leaning on Connor for support, eyes closed, unconcious. I don't know how but Connor looked to be stressed. I talked to the nurse. She was friendly, human, the only sober one there looked to be. She told me to keep Emily in bed, don't let her do anything crazy until the wound has healed, and to keep drinking fluids. Emily woke up when I sat beside her, she looked winded and tramatized, I noticed that she and Connor were holding hands. She saw me and sprung into a hug. I hugged her back warmly, very glad she was okay.
Back at home, when we walked through the door my wife immediatly went to hug Emily. Her mother would have done the same. Shame, Emily was devistated when her mother died. Fucking cancer takes everyone we love.
Later that night, Connor had carried Emily up to her bed, my wife was making her soup when I explained to her what happened. "You know she is obsessed with that android, one of these days she's going to die because of him" she said. "I don't think it's an obsession, Connor was the first friend she actually made after her mother died. She actually loves him" then I realized, Emily was getting to me. I referred to Connor as "him". "Ellie, trust me when I tell you, Connor protects her, even though she got injurred under his care, he did call an ambulence, and our office. He stayed with her at the hospital for comfort. He wants her safety, she just chose to not let the guy take her" I struggled to say these words, "best friend". Ellie took the hot cup of noodle soup out of the microwave, "well just think about it" she said, handing me the cup. I grabbed a gingerale out of the fridge and a cup of ice with a straw and placed them on a tray.
I turned in the doorway of Emily's bedroom. Connor was in a chair beside her. She was sitting up watching cartoons, and doodling a bit in her sketchbook. "Alright girly, you need to eat this and get some rest, I brought you a gingerale on ice, and I'll be right back with a water" I said, she smiled, she was in obvious pain, I saw it in her eyes. I knew that when I found out who hurt her, I was gonna make them pay. I rested my hand on Connors shoulder, and leaned in close, "make sure she eats, when shes done, leave the tray by the door, and have her rest" I said, "Yes Hank" he said, with a slight nod. I smiled slightly then left to grab her some water.
I came back an hour later to check on them. "Emily, I seriously think you should rest" Connor persisted, "Connor, honey, honestly I'm fine" said Emily, to be honest she sounded a little drunk, just from blood loss though. I looked around Emily hadded eaten all of her soup and crackers, and drank all of her water. "Emily please roll over and go to sleep" Connor insisted, calmly, "seriously, I'm fine" "No you're not", at that point I wished androids were built with hypnotising components, something to knock her out. "Em, Doctor's orders. You need to rest" I said, calmly. I saw in her eyes, she wanted to sleep, she wanted to let go forever, but she was just trying to resist the urge. "Please" I said, she groaned then slumped back in her spot.
Connor and I layed her down and adjusted her pillows. It made me so sick to see her like this, and so angry. I wanted to kill that jack ass who hurt her. Connor noticed the look on my face, "Are you alright, Hank?" He asked. "No, Connor" I said, "No I'm not", I fluffed Emily's pillow, and placed the stuffed Lion her mom gave her when she was a kid under her arm, then pulled up her covers. I actually thought I was going to cry. "Emily, is my little girl. I was there was she was born, I held her in my arms, and felt her grip around my finger as she looked up at me with her beatiful eyes. After her mother died, she was never the same. She lost  her energy, her will to do and to try. She died her hair grey, she got all these tattoos and peircings. She almost got fired from her job. She struggled with making friends, she lost the friends she already had, she quit all of her extracurricular activities. That greif almost killed her, I found her smuggling knives from the kitchen, and with cuts on her arms. She cried she never did anything right, hurt everyone, nobody liked her. We brought you into the family, that was the first time I had scene her actually smile in years. She let her hair grow back to blond, got rid of her piercings, actually started wearing color again. I got my baby girl back" I saw his Ld light on his head flash yellow, telling me Emily probably never told him that before. "Now, I get a call that she had been stabbed by some thug who wanted her android" Connor said nothing at first. We sat down, I asside Emily on her bed, and Connor in a chair infront of me. "Hank, I didn't mean to" Connor began

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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