English Love Affair

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Chapter 1

'I held on to the tail of my dads jacket as we pass through the busy airport. Everyone in the airport looked important, like they were in a big business earning a lot of cash, they all had places to be, as did my family, my mum gathered us into a huddled checking we were all there, I felt like I was on a school trip. "Right Jason, Aaron and Ava, all here a present" my mum checks as she passes us all our passports and boarding passes. As she places the documents into my palm, I scoff and roll my eyes at her need for order.'

I was in the same airport once again, going back to this damned country. I hate the UK, it's in my past and would be good if it could stay there. I left when I was fourteen to go to San Francisco, which has been absolute bliss for the past five years. My mother checks we are all in place as she passes us the necessities for the flight. "smile for once, doesn't kill you" she hovers behind me, trying to mumble to not make a scene as she flattens down my hair. 

I want to turn around and hit the woman who's forcing me to go back to the place I couldn't go a day without being bullied, just to see one family member. I roll my eyes at my mums smart ass comment. "Don't roll your eyes at your mother, she's making sure we have a safe trip." I'm speechless at Charlie's outburst. "yes exactly Charles, Ava you are so lucky to have a boy like him to keep you in check."

Keep me in check? This is trip is already falling apart.

After the long flight and Charlie hitting on the girl next to him all the way here, we picked up the rental car, it was more like a van but hardly made a difference. I made Aaron sit between me and Charlie during the drive I couldn't bare the thought of talking to him. We pulled into my grandmas drive, it's been years since I used to come here to get away from my mum and used to open my heart to my grandma and drown my sorrows in tea and biscuits.

We walk over the porch and I look around to see the familiar rocking chairs where my grandma and I used to sit as she comforted me. She opened the double doors with big glossy eyes, she'd obviously been waiting upon our arrival, she flicks one of her short, white curls over her head and her eyes were set upon mine. "come here love" she opens her arms as I run into her, she's a lot smaller than I remember, her head rests on my chest as she welcomes me.

Charlie grabs her hand and kisses the back of it. My grandma shows no emotion, "I'm Myra and you are?" she scoffed pulling her hand away from his. "I'm Charles, pleasure to meet you" she says nothing, rolls her eyes at his politeness, and trots off humming into the kitchen. We are left to place all our bags down and within minutes she's back out "right I burnt dinner, but there's this little restaurant down the road, fancy it?" we all nod in unison as we get ready to leave. I grab some jeans and a dressy looking white top just so I don't look scruffy in my travelling clothes, I quickly run into the bathroom to change. We head out to the car and once again I push Aaron into the middle, forcing him to split the tension between me and Charlie

We drive down a dusty road following my grandmas directions as rocks and dirt hit back at the car. We pull into a small little car park with only a few cars in. There's a lit up sign above the entrance, flashing'Roberto's', it looked as if it would fall any minute. I quickly rush in following after my family as Charlie grabs onto my arm, I jerk my arm out of his grip and lower my eyebrows, "what are you doing?" he ignores me and carries on walking, he sees other boys and has this possession over me all of a sudden. We sat down at a table in the corner with a booth, I have my grandma on one side of me and Charlie on the other and my mum, dad and Aaron sit opposite on the chairs. I had planned to sit on the edge of the booth for a quick escape route but Charlie insisted he sat there instead.

A waiter comes over with a beaming smile, he seems familiar, too familiar. He has thick dark hair and is wearing all black with a red tie and an apron with from what I can tell 'Roberto's' sewed into the side. He has stubble on his prominent jaw line with a little creeping up towards his mouth. "Myra!" he calls "what can I get for you today?" he looks around the table, as she nudges my arm "Zayn this is my granddaughter".


Oh my god of course it's him.

I pretend to be in conversation.

"oh so this is the granddaughter you've been telling---" he stops midway.


 I pull my head out of my hands and force a smile "um hi"

My grandma sits back and has a smug smile on her face.

"whoa you've lost..." this is awkward, beyond awkward.

"weight" I begin but I'm interrupted.

"your glasses." I begin to hide my head once again as my subconscious laughs at my misfortune.

He picks up my embarrassment "You're slim as well" he adds on in an attempt to make me feel better about my big headed comment, whilst smiling down to his notepad.

"What can I get you all to eat then? Don't want the boss to think I'm just chatting" Zayn takes all our orders. As we get our food Zayn takes any opportunity to talk to me, catch up, its a lot of small talk but we both carry on with Charlie flicking his head from me to him with each word coming from our mouths.

"How is everyone? Katie oh my god! What is she like" I laugh as Zayn rests on my mums chair.

"Well...sorry what was the first question? I forgot" he smirks.

"Sorry too many questions" I hadn't even noticed that Charlie had left for the bathroom until a piece of paper was slipped across his part of the table.

"Call me soon and we'll have a proper catch up, I really have to work " I chuckled and allowed him to walk off.

My dad paid for the bill as Charlie came back and I span around and waved to Zayn as Charlie attempted to drag me out. I pushed Aaron in the middle seat, just so Charlie could get the picture.

We walk on the porch and I'm stopped in my tracks by Charlie grabbing my wrist preventing me from going inside.

"We need to talk" he says sternly.

"Now" he snaps before I can even attempt to make an excuse.

My mum steps in the doorway, "you not coming in kids?" she beams looking at only Charlie.

Helloooo, an update day hasn't been finalised just yet but we will eventually get a routine going!

We would really appriciate feedback and comments etc and if you could share the story as much as you can! 

Thank you

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