Chapter 2

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"We'll come in, just one moment Mrs Summers" Charlie smirks as my mother blushes and closes the door behind her.

Charlie turns to me with sudden rage in his eyes, Charlie throws his hands in the air in an attempt to seem tough and angry "Ava what the fuck was that!"

I scoff and almost laugh at his nerve. "Erm.. I'm.. not.. what?" I knew exactly what he was talking about but I couldn't help but burst into laughter as he just got angrier and angrier. 

"Ava, you flirting with that Zach guy all dinner, like I wasn't even there!"

"Zayn" I say as I roll my eyes. Charlie goes to speak again but I interrupt, "And I was not flirting Charlie, he was my best friend that I haven't seen in a long time." A really long time now I think of it. 

Zayn is just the same, the same dorky smile with his tongue between his teeth, well actually much less dorky looking without the braces, but still the same. And he has grown taller, almost filled out into his shoulders and definitely goes to the gym, I could see his muscles popping out from his uniform. 

Charlie widens his eyes at me as I realise I had just been staring into space visualising Zayn's muscles. Ok so maybe I was flirting a little bit. But can you blame me? Who knew Zayn would turn

Zayn was always teased about having a crush on me when we were younger and we always laughed it off, I mean he could barely get through the day without forgetting every school book. I  don't think the poor boy was capable to have a crush on anyone and if he did he'd definitely  forget about it by 5th period. 

As I snap back into reality I realise Charlie has stormed off back into the house leaving me out on the front porch by myself. I find myself sitting on the comfortable bench swing as the moon finally starts to show. 

I do really hate England but I have definitely missed the views, sitting here on Grandma's porch you can see for miles. Not having to watch out for coyotes is also a bonus. 

The front door opens breaking me out of my trance as my Grandma peers out the door with two cups of tea in her hands and a packet of biscuits under her arm "Fancy a cuppa?" she asks as she grins from ear to ear.

I smile and nod, "No biscuits for me anymore Grandma, I'm gluten free remember?" 

She shakes her head as she sits next to me on the swing, "You bloody Californians" she grins at me as she passes me my cup "More for me now. You always hogged the biscuits anyway". 

"I never did!" I say back trying to sound shocked. It was true, I used to eat my body weight in biscuits, but gluten free biscuits taste so horrible I don't even bother with them anymore.

My Grandma laughs as she dips one in her tea, "Guess that's how you lost weight then, even Zayn noticed" she smirks, knowing it will embarrass me. 

"Oh my god was that not the most embarrassing thing you've ever witnessed. I can't believe I said that" I say as I bury my face in my hands "I basically told him to tell me I'm skinny" I start to laugh as my Grandma joins in with me. 

"It wasn't that bad sweetheart, you see he's such a gentleman he-..." Before she can finish I interrupt. 

"Hang on a second, how long have you known that was Zayn, my Zayn?"

"Ohhhh my goodness thats the Zayn you were friends with?" my Grandma looks away from me, trying to act as if she didn't know, "well, I had just absolutely no idea, what a coin..cidence" her words slowing down as I give her a look to let her know her gigs up. 

"Grandma why are we visiting?" 

She gently smiles at me before responding quietly "I wanted to see you?" she asks me instead of saying.

"Oh my god Grandma, I knew you loved to meddle but a transatlantic flight? It's bit much to reunite two old friends don't you think?" I find myself chuckling to lighten the mood.

"Well Zayn was sad and had just broken up with his girlfriend, Katie, I think, he just needed a pick me up and you were all free and willing to come." my Grandma says trying to remember the details.

"Oh my god Zayn and Katie broke up? Since when!" I can not believe Zayn and Katie have broken up, they were inseparable after I left and started dating almost as soon as I was gone. Zayn text me almost everyday after I left but the texts became less and less frequent and I'd be lucky to get a happy birthday after a year. I couldn't blame him for it, I had gone and he had a girlfriend to keep happy rather than his best friend. Which I totally get. Totally not bitter about it, at all... I just don't get on with Katie tremendously well, I was just never a huge fan. Even before she started dating Zayn, so it's definitely not to do with that.

My Grandma doesn't respond and instead gives me a knowing smirk to which I snap back "No Grandma that is not happening, I know what you have in your head and it's not happening, I have Charlie with me!"

She rolls her eyes at me "ohh come on Ava I hate that kid and I know you do too" she laughs and I can't help but join in. I feel sorry for Charlie and the situation he's found himself in but I have somehow managed to find the one male that my mother approves of and I'm too selfish to let him go. I've had a few boyfriend since I moved but none of which had the right parents or rather the parents with the right income. 

As if she can read my thoughts my Grandma crinkles the now empty packet of biscuits and stands up grabbing the empty cups, "Is your mother's approval really worth a lifetime with no love and happiness?" and without another word or response she heads back into the house, leaving me to sit with that thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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