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When i awaken, i am drenched in sweat. I cant stop shaking and worse, that girl is sitting right next to me reading a book.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I scream. She looks at me and smiles.

" Oh your finally awake my love!"she says as she hugs me and kisses my nose.

I blush and sit up to find that i'm in my own room. I get up and try to walk to the door, but as soon as i take one step, i feel light headed and almost fall. To my surprise, not really a surprise, the girl holds me up and i can see her smile showing off her fangs.

"Um thanks uh... Whats your name again?" I ask her not thinking.

"Oh come now my sweet, don't tell me you don't even remember your own wife's name." She says in a pouting voice.

"What the hell are you talking about?! I ain't married!!" I scream and take my arm back. She smiles and walks after me. I don't know what was going on, but i didn't care. She needed to start answering questions. As soon as i turned the corner into the hall , she did. I back steeped, turned around and made her step into the corner.

She smiled blushed and looked at the floor in embarrassment. " Mishiki, are you gonna take me here now?" she said. i didn't realize it but now that i look at her she was wearing a traditional Japanese school girl uniform. i blush and yell. " What kind of perverted idiot are you?!" i scream then back up.

"I just want you to answer some questions" i say calmly.

" Why yes but if you want to here the answers you have to come closer" she says. I growl at her and move a little closer. She grabs my arms and pulls me close enough for me to be able to smell her. She smelled of roses. To make sure i would not get away she propped herself up against the wall and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"What are you-" she cut me off with a kiss on the mouth.

"Hush please after all this, all of you questions will be answered" she says biting her lip, "i forgot how your lips tasted" she kisses me again and floods of images pore into my mind. I see her and a name flashes into my eyes. Sara. Many other memories flood back into my head.

When she pulls away, my mouth is bleeding and her fangs are covered in blood. She licks them clean and kisses me yet again, this time it doesn't make pain it heals it.

"What are you?" i say. and again to my surprise i can see it. The name of what she is is right there in my face. Memory munch-er. what that is is like a vampire, but instead of drinking blood, they take memories.

" Now that you are awake its time to go" she says "

"Go were?" i ask

She smiles and kisses me yet again and this time, its just a normal kiss. "why to CAR of course."

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