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Chapter II

"Well you see Annabelle there's something you need to know, it's about your parents", "yes go on" I say steadily "Um... theres no easy way to say this but, um...your mother...was a...", "get on with it officer" I blurt out, the suspense is killing me "okay, okay, your mother was a supernatural being and a very dangerous one at that, in fact she could summon evil spirits to enter ones body and devour you from the inside out... and one of her victims was your father and for your protection we had to take her away".
"WHAT?" I jump up from my seat flipping the table in my stride "ALL THIS TIME YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT MY SO CALLED DEMONIC MOTHER, DID YOU EVER THINK OH, MAYBE ANNABELLE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY SHE IS HERE?" hot tears gather in my eyes and my hands tingle to the point where its almost like pins and needles "Now Annabelle be reasonable" he says calmly but its not helping tears trickle down my face and the pins and needles turn to stabs of pain "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS" I say sobbing,
I drop to my knees clutching my hands as the pain worsens, i'm a blubbering mess. There are voices everywhere and people are crowded around me. Their faces start to blur, my head is spinning, a voice pierces through the buzzing in my ears "Annabelle we were worried your mothers power might have been passed onto you so we are protecting you" what? why would they think...that, my words slur and I pass out as the pain in my hands consumes me.

I slowly open my eyes and start to blink away the blurriness. Something at the side of my bed gleams but i can't quite make it out. My head aches "ouch, did I hit it or something?" then it all comes back to me, my parents, supernatural beings and lets not forget my mother is basically a demon.
I lift my hand to rub my head but something is stopping me, I look over and notice my hands and feet have been bound to the bed probably part of stupid safety protocol. What a way to start off my birthday.
*knock* *knock* Alex opens the door a fraction and peeks inside "happy birthday Annie, I got you something" he walks over and holds up a small silver key before crouching down to unlock the first of the shackles. "So why am I bound to my bed on my 16th birthday?" I ask impatiently as he fiddles with the lock "safety protocol after what happened yesterday, now hold still". Just as I thought. He releases the last of the shackles "no questioning today" he chuckles "you know about that?", "Yeah, the whole unit knows, anyway I have 'duties' to attend to, Bye" he says it in a sort of sarcastic way hinting that he's up to something "Bye Alex, come back for me I can't bear to be without you and stay out of trouble" I joke, "hey thats what i'm supposed to say to you, not that theres much trouble to stay out of in your cell" the door closes and his cheeky laugh echoes down the hallway, it's nice to have someone close to my age around he's the closest thing I have to family.
I lay on my bed thinking about yesterday. I have a new found hate for Zac I clench my fists I could punch someone right now. My hands start to tingle "argh not this again" sure enough the tingling turns to stabs of pain but instead of passing out this time I watch in awe as the tips of my fingernails glow a blueish colour releasing little blue whisps of what looks like smoke that dissipates above my fingertips...

*copyright laugh_uncontrollably*

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