the begining

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A red haired boy could be seen walking beside a girl with crazy bright bubblegum pink hair, and pale skin.

On the other side of the girl was another boy with black hair, this one's hair shaped like a duck's butt.

In front of them reading a orange book, and giggling was a man with spiky gravity defying grey hair.

In the middle of the three was a man drinking out of a bottle with a straw hat on his head and thick black framed glasses on his face.

This man is Tazuna the bridge builder from the small country of wave.

The three teens are Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and Uzumaki Naruto.

The man reading is Hatake Kakashi and together they make team seven, and this was their first C-rank mission.

So far it seemed normal as they escorted Tazuna to his village.

Sakura was pestering Sasuke for a date, Sasuke was ignoring her and taking glances at naruto body that is stronger than him, and Naruto was rethinking his life choices, mainly his mask and if He should take it off. He divided to

He walking past a puddle stopped, as his brain registered the fact that it hadn't rained in months, and his nose could detect scents in the puddle.

He shaking his head, pulled a kunai out from his pocket and said "Okay idiots, come out, as your genjutsu sucks because a puddle when it hasn't rained in months is kinda stupid."

His team besides Kakashi looked at him strangely until two men with clawed gauntlets rose from the puddle with mask on.

Before they could even attack, Naruto knocked both of them out, with the blunt side of his kunai.

Sighing he tied the two idiots up, and searched them for anything useful.

Finding some good things, he turned to Kakashi and said "Kakashi-sensei these two are members of the mist demons."

Kakashi nodding turned to Tazuna who was sweating and asked "Why are two C-rank missing nin and prominent members of the mist demons after you Tazuna-san?"

Tazuna dropping to his knees spilled the beans about his country being under the ruthless thumb of Gato, the tiny tyrant.

He also admitted to lying about the rank of the mission.

He then tried the guilt trip by saying that they didn't' have to help him, he would just go on and be killed, making his poor wife and grandson swear vengeance on Konoha.

Kakashi sighing took a vote with his team to consider if they should go on or not.

Sasuke wanting to gain his doujutsu and impress naruto voted to continue on.

Sakura being the ever loyal fan-girl followed Sasuke's lead.

Naruto not wanting to Gato to continue and oppress Wave voted to press onward.

Kakashi sighing said that they were continuing the mission, but he was sending for back-up, hopefully another team, or maybe an anbu or two.

After crossing a bridge on a boat being moved by a oar, team seven made their way to the mainland, and Sasuke trying to show off threw a kunai into the bush.

He moving the bush scowled spotting a snow white bunny basically terrified for life.

Naruto and Kakashi both spotting the coat of the bunny instantly were on guard knowing that something was up.

Seconds later Naruto tackled Tazuna down to the ground while shouting "GET DOWN!"

Kakashi did the same for Sakura and Sasuke.

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