The agony kept going on and on, it felt like weeks have passed since my talk with the voice, almost like it's not going to end, that thought I instantly threw away and completely forgot about it. The pain has started leaving my fingers on both hands and legs, and then slowly moved on withdrawing from my body.
Soon I could move my arms and legs again, and then it left my head and started fading through the rest of my body. Soon it left my body, but it didn't leave my hearth, it stopped right there, in the middle of my heart.
I stood up once again, but now I felt everything a lot better, my senses have been improved, I opened my eyes, I was still in the darkness of the elder shade. ,, You're finally awake I see, finally, you have been changing for two hours straight, don't worry about those people who have been with you, they saw what happened and came into my mist, I devoured them, that's actually your first lesson, I didn't devour them entirely, their bodies are still there, but they are now soulless, that's what do you need from humans, their souls, that's the only way to put out the fire in your heart, the fire is there because your soul is now corrupted, your heart is the sanctuary of your soul, and that's the only human body part that remains after the changing, but because you're now a shade and your hearth is human, it burns, no one knows why but devouring souls is the only thing that put's out the fire. '' The voice was now serious, and deep. ,, Understood. '' I replied, my voice was bored, I can't wait to get out of the mist.
,, Lesson two, currently you're in your human form, when you wan't to hunt, just let the fire flood you, that will be just a pleasant warmth, don't worry, for you are still just a young shade you will have only a small mist, later on you will be capable of summoning bigger mists, but they won't go further than two meters from you, to make a mist as big as mine you will have to become an elder shade, which is, believe me, hard. '' He moved on with teaching me. ,, Yes. '' I replied, bored again. ,, And lesson number three, to use your magic just focus your fire on the part of the body you want to use it from, that's the basic for making mists, but don't try it just yet, you're awake and alive, but your still weak, don't try it. '' The voice told me this and then the presence that was pressing me, which I didn't feel at first, has disappeared, and soon after the mist has disappeared as well.
When I could finally see I was amazed how better are my senses, I saw everything clearly, and I even saw dust, this was a pretty clean area, if you look at the dust.