chapter 18

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NA: I'd be a terrible person if I just left the story as it is but I won't and from this point on just expect swearwords and gore it's a creepypasta book it should be expected.... without further ado

Jeff's pov

The whole time we were looking for (y/n) she was in the shed. You have got to be fucking kidding me. My eyes dropped to her corpse in the shed. I knelt beside her, she looked like she was sleeping, but not in a good way. It looked like she was trapped in a nightmare. I gently picked up her body, where my shin touched hers it was chilling. (y/n)'s body had been cold for a while... She had been dead for a while. My eyes burned but no tears fell. As I walked heavily back to the manner my face was set hard. I was pissed.

Opening the door the Pastas were gathered in the main room playing video games on the television. As I passed the door someone jumped out of their seat and rushed to the hall.

"Oh you found her body," Ben snickered. I grunted angered by his comment. As I took (y/n) to Slenders office.

Upon entering the room Slender turned his faceless head towards me.

"You found her where was she?" slender questioned unconcerned about the fact that SHE WAS DEAD!

"The clubhouse, I don't think she went in themselves though," I said to slender.

"We don't know Jeff maybe she ran away,  went there to hide there, and then was caught which would be how we got to this moment." Slender reasoned.

"She left during dinner the worst opportune time to run away."  I spat back at Slender.

"Either way we need more information before we jump to conclusions." slender stood signaling he was done talking.

"Where's the shovel," I asked.

"Downstairs in the servant's chambers," Slender said.


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