Chapter 4

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Loki and Rose finished their challenges twenty minutes later and once we were all together again we went to receive the next challenges from Patricia.

"For this stage I'm going to give both the team challenge and the individual challenges together. I want you to try and do both of them at the same time." Patricia said once we had received all the points for the last stage. We were ahead of the Blondateers by nine points but only because Mary and Bella hadn't gotten the full points for their challenges.

I cracked open the tin that Patricia gave me, noticing that instead of having a "one" on the top, it had a "two". There were four cards inside of it like the last tin except that the individual challenge cards had Truth on two of them and Dare on the third. Loki took a Truth and Rose a Dare which left me with a Truth. I didn't mind though because I was beginning to see that not all the Dares are the easiest way to get the points. 

After all the cards had been handed out, I flipped over the group challenge and then began to read...

Stage 2: Challenge #1

~~~ Mixed Team Challenge ~~~

Instructions: Working with the other team complete the following challenge...

DARE: I dare you all to invent a prank and execute it against a group of people of your choosing. You can NOT execute the prank on yourselves OR the Opposing Team. To get the full amount of points you must work TOGETHER.

"Well that just ruined all my ideas." Grumbled Loki after I finished reading the last few sentences. It had ruined some of mine too, I admitted to myself but I was willing to give the Blondateers the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they would be chill with working together to get revenge on another group of people or something. Although, come to think of it I only hated the Blondateers...

"I guess we have to meet up with the Blondateers now." I said, not sounding particularly excited. We trudged off to start looking for them and during our walk, I decided to read my individual challenge.

Stage 2: Challenge #2

~~~ Individual Challenge ~~~

TRUTH: Why do you hate Mary so much? Don't you think it's time to learn forgiveness?

Of course that was my challenge. I knew what Patricia really meant and what I had to do if I wanted to get all my points but I didn't think I had the strength to do it. Instead, I crushed the card into my back pocket to deal with later, convincing myself that I could only do one challenge at a time... But as easy it was to crush up the card, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't crush my feeling of guilt...


"You want to work with us?" Mary drawled dumbly once we had explained why we were even bothering to talk to them.

"Well don't we all have to? Isn't that your challenge too?" I snapped slightly annoyed.

"Yes but... we didn't think you would actually agree to work with us." Eva explained.

"We kind of need to if we want to finish this thing once and for all." Loki pointed out and finally the Blondateers grudgingly agreed. Now it was time to decide on the prank and I knew that this was definitely going to be the hard part. Agreeing with them was one of our least favourite things to do.

It took a great deal of arguing but finally we settled on doing the prank on "The Thuggers". I had never heard of this group before since I had started homeschooling after eighth grade and apparently this was a "high-school thing". But apparently the Blondateers and Loki and Rose all mutually hated them. The Thuggers were a group of boys who stole things from and bullied a ton of kids at the local high-school. They sounded pretty awful from the stories they told so I agreed to let us do the prank on them. 

After a few more minutes of arguing we finally settled on a prank to do. The Blondateers would lure the Thuggers out of their hide-out and into a trap that Loki, Rose, and I would control. The goal was to scare the Thuggers so badly that hopefully they wouldn't bully any more kids, but we all knew it was a long shot nevertheless. All we could do was try, though! We told Patricia what we were going to do and she decided to come and watch so she could fairly give us the points.

As we walked to the Thuggers hangout I asked Mary how she knew where it was. She shrugged and said, "I used to date the leader. Tom Johnson, I think was his name. He used to bring me to his hangout when were dating. It was what he considered a 'date' and after the fifth time of bringing me there and just playing video games, I broke up with him."

I nodded, realizing that I wasn't that surprised to learn this information. The Thuggers hangout was on the edge of town and it was 2:30 PM by the time we arrived. I realized that the competition might have to expend into tomorrow if we didn't hurry up. 

The Blondateers quickly sashayed up to the door to ring the bell and Loki, Rose, and I scrambled to get the trap ready. I watched as someone came and opened the door, allowing the Blondateers to go inside. After the door had shut - but not locked, I noticed - I motioned to Loki that we could set up the rope. The idea was that the Thuggers would chase the Blondateers out the door but the girls would know that there was a rope and jump over it, the Thuggers however would not know. They would trip and the rope would trigger a net to drop down over them. Then Loki and Rose would tie the sack and I would hoist the them up into the air, after throwing the rope over a high tree-branch for leverage. And Patricia would just stand-by and watch. It was a pretty ingenious plan. I just hoped that it would work.

Everything was set up and Loki, Rose, and I were waiting in our positions. Patricia was hiding safely up in a tree so that she could get the best view of the whole thing. We waited ten minutes... fifteen... twenty... thirty... The Blondateers and Thuggers never showed up.

"Should I go in and see what's going on?" I asked over my walkie-talkie.

Before Loki or Rose replied, a piercingly loud siren noise filled the air. I knew that sound better than anyone, my dad was always driving his police car around and I had been in his car many many times when he gave chase to a speeder. They were Police Sirens.

"What?!" Rose gasped over her walkie-talkie, panicking as she saw bright lights flashing a few streets over. If the police saw us like this... it would look very bad...

"Quick!" I whispered frantically "Get inside!"

We ran up to the hideout - Patricia right at our heels - thrusting open the door and pelting down the hallway just as the police car rounded the corner. Panting, we ran into a room and then I froze at the sight I saw inside. There was Mary making-out with a muscular thug-looking boy, her cell-phone dropped precariously on the ground. Eva and Bella were not in sight and I realized that they must be hiding somewhere so that they wouldn't be caught. And in that instant I realized what had happened.

"You... you traitor!" I yelled angrily "You called the police!"

"Police?" Growled the boy, breaking away from Mary.

"Wait. What?" Gasped Patricia from behind us. There was so much hurt in her voice as she realized that her friend had betrayed her. 

The sound of footsteps came down the corridor and in a flash the boy started running away from Mary, darting into another corridor and slamming the door shut behind him. 

"Wait for me!" Screeched Mary, struggling to reach the door in her high heels. She reached the door and tugged on the handle but it didn't budge. Her boyfriend had abandoned her.

"But... but... he said that he loved me!" Mary whispered heart-brokenly and with a jolt I realized that I felt sorry for her. The feeling only lasted for a minute however because at that moment, a police officer walked into the room.

The officer held up our rope and net sack and asked in a stern voice, "Do these things belong to you kids?"

And it was then that I realized just how much trouble we were in...

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