Chapter One

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The world of Alphas, Betas and Omegas has changed dramatically over the years. Due to extinction and survival of the fittest, the groups have broken off into two sects. Those that want to remain true to who they are, there nature and way of life and those that feel the have to adapt to the changing world around them. The ABO's that have adapted into the new world are now privy to a new life and a new way of living. Over time they have completely inserted themselves into the new world and have become businessowners and multimillionaires. They have adapted to the new world and after a hundred and fifty years has completely forgotten about their counter parts. This story (book 1) follows the life of The new age ABO. The two worlds will eventually collide. This will be a long journey. I hope you stay with me.........till the very end. Welcome to my world.

Side Note-My ABO world doesn't necessarily follow the rules of a traditional ABO world-End Side Note.

🌿🌿End A/N 🌿🌿

Part 1- The Elite School Of Omega

The Elite School of Omega


The Elite School of Omegas is where the wealthy of the wealthiest Alphas and Betas get their Omegas. However, they won't except just any Omega. You have to pass a highly sophisticated point system, that's based off certain ratings just to be considered.

After the best of the best are carefully selected. The training starts. Extensive training. Which includes everything from etiquette and appearance. To learning multiple languages and mating.

The best of the best in each field is flown in from all over the world to teach each topic. The training takes three years to complete. Omega females and Omega males are both excepted into this highly coveted school.

Once and Elite Omega has been fully trained they are then sold to the highest bidder. It's not considered slavery because everyone participates voluntarily.

To live a life of luxury and privilege. Something few Omegas could ever dream of. Not only does it raise the status for the Omega themselves, but also for the family of that Omega.

However, some Omegas already come from wealthy families and so as to not lower the status of their family they pay tuition for their daughter and in rare occasions son to enter the school and unlike the others who are accepted in, the upperclass Omegas are not sold but graduate and returned back to their families, who then use them as assists to acquire more wealth.

When Jimin presented on his sixteenth birthday deep down inside he knew he wasn't an Alpha. However, Jimin was special. Although he didn't think so. Not only is he an Omega born into a wealthy family but he's also a male. His Parents are excited because they know he can acquire a lot of wealth for their family.

Being an Omega in a wealthy family has a different connotation, than a average Omega born into and average, middle class family or a family of no wealth. Omegas born in this type of status experience mistreatment, discrimination, and rape. The mistreatment goes on and on.

That's why so many Omegas born to working class families try their best to get their daughters and in rare occasions their sons into the elite school of Omega.

However, boys are almost always accepted in due to their rareness. It's their way out of poverty. It's their way out of a bad situation. For parents of Omegas, It's a way to help and protect their loved one.

When Jimin turned out to be an Omega his family wanted to immediately enroll him, but Jimin fought it off for two years. Time was up because he parents were officially out of patience. The school wasn't cheap either. With a hefty price tag of about two hundred an fifty thousand dollars per year. It could've been a million for all his parents cared. They just wanted to make sure he got in.

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