Chapter 1

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The morning sunlight streams through the gap in the white patterned curtains that are still drawn. Beyond that window, the morning rush-hour has already begun. People are driving to work, clogging up the streets, causing fellow drives to get road-rage at such an early time of the morning.

I can't hear anything from the road below though. The soundproof windows are making sure of that. Also, the fact I'm on the fourth, and top, floor of my London townhouse home is making that another good reason as to why I can't hear anything too.

What I can hear though, is the shuffling of footsteps working their way up the wooden stairs, telling me that my maid is on her way up to make sure I'm up. Quickly, I turn my attention back to the floor-length mirror that's in front of me and take in my appearance for the day ahead.

I pull my black pencil skirt into place and smoothen out the creases that have appeared. My eyes wander over the rest of my outfit: black patent leather pumps, white silk blouse tucked neatly into the top of the skirt, newly manicured nails, perfect make up, and perfectly straight long dirty blonde hair.

The perfect look for a businesswoman.

I turn away from the mirror and look round my bedroom at the mess from the previous night's events. Both male and female clothing items are scattered all over the place. The quilt cover is lying on the floor and the thin white sheet is barley covering the male body that accompanies the messy bed.

I sigh before walking over to the dressing table and pick up the still-hot cup of tea that I made when I woke up earlier. I take a small sip of the hot liquid just as my phone vibrates at the side of my bed.

Stepping over the items on the floor, I sit on the edge of the bed and sit my cup down on the nightstand before picking my phone up to read the text message I just received.

'From: Andrea

You're running late again. Second day in a row! People will talk and not of good things may I add.

I can't fend Chris off any longer. Get in your car and come to the house ASAP!'

I huff. I'm not that late for am I? I look at the time displayed on the clock that sits on the nightstand and notice that I am, in fact, late for a morning meeting I agreed to attend. I was meant to be there over 30 minutes ago which is the same as yesterday.

I'm going to get a scolding over this. I can see it coming.

I turn and look at the sleeping male in the bed. His dark hair is sprawled over the pillow he's hugging and he has two days worth of stubble on his face. I think that's what first attracted me to him - the small amount of stubble on his face. Hmmm, who knew?

He's so different from my usual type.

I reach a single hand out and brush his hair away from his face. "Probably the best yet," I murmur before standing up and walking out the room with my phone in one hand.

I quietly close the door over and when I know the male in the bedroom is still asleep and that I haven't disturbed him, I sigh with relief and turn on the spot. Although, seeing my maid stand only feet from me with an unhappy look on her face has me jumping back with fear. Her arms are folded over her chest and her foot is tapping away on the dark wooden floor. She really ain't happy.

"Another one, Abigail?" She simply asks.

Why ask when you already know the answer? "Yes, Jean."

I make a move for the stairs but stop when Jean's arm blocks my way. I take a deep breath and turn to look at her. My grey eyes meeting her light blue ones. I like Jean, I really do, but she really needs to stop butting into private things in my life. She's in her late forties for crying out loud! She should know better than to question her bosses actions.

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