Chapter 1

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(F/I)=first initial

(N/N)= nick-name
Also if I spell something wrong please don't go correcting me and also not all things will be as it is in the movie or book I'm changing a few things so that it I guess will be more interesting , well enjoy the first chapter. Special thanks to MissSoda04. Please go follow her. She's the one who gave me the idea to make this story.

Edited by:

~~~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~~~

I was the favorite Potter between me and my brother, Harry. "(N/N), sweetie, please come help me with the coffee machine... I think it broke again. " My aunt spoke, with a sugar coated voice. This wouldn't be difficult for me, as I typically used my magic to help around the house. Although I enjoy helping the family, it bothers me greatly when Dudley bothers Harry. Whenever Dudly would be mean to Harry I would record him, and show the recording my aunt and uncle. The day that me and Harry got our letters they took Harry's away but they let me keep mine. Today's the day that I'm going to the Leaky Cauldron... "YES MA'AM." I responded to my aunt, breaking free from my mind's wonder. On my way towards her, I stopped for a second. I saw Harry's letter and ran inside. I ran to mine and Harry's room and gave it to Harry. Afterwards, I went downstairs to help my aunt. Once the coffee machine was fixed I went to car with Harry, "Did you read it, Harry?" I asked, worried. "Yeah. I did, and I can't believe that I'm a wizard." Harry said excitedly. Uncle Vernon was right behind us. "WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM THAT LETTER?!" Uncle Vernon roared, venom lacing his tone. "Because he deserves to know." I said, stopping myself from causing physical harm to Uncle Vernon for leaving Harry in the dark about what he is.

---Time Skip---

Not far from the time school started, Harry and I obtained our needed supplies for Hogwarts. His wand was adequate, but he says that mine is far more visually striking than his. I also got a snow white wolf, I took the liberty of naming her Sugar. I also adorned myself with a stunning locket

 I also adorned myself with a stunning locket

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---Time Skip---

How exited I was for school to start, Multiple weeks had passed and now we're on the train heading to Hogwarts. I've met Ron and Hermione and I was wearing a white and red dress with my locket and black flats. I was walking around, then stopped in front of a window near the back of the train. I looked out of the window, when someone from behind me said something... "Beautiful isn't it. " I heard the person say I turned around startled "W-What?!?!"I asked, trying to compose myself from nearly jumping out of my skin. "Oh sorry I'm Draco... Draco Malfoy. " He smiled and stuck out his hand. "(Y/N)... (Y/N) Potter." I smiled back and shook his hand. I went to let go but then someone accidentally pushed Draco and me. He fell on top of me, hittin' me with that yah yeet, swiggity swoot, kawaii desu senpai, neko-neko break your fucking knee caps, floor kabedon. I was pinned down (A/N I did not type this that's just bamaxi being funny the original line was "He fell on top of me like in the Animes, where the guy pins the girl down. I was pinned down". But she changed it to mess with me). I was blushing a bright red "C-C-Could you please get off of me?" I asked looking away. He got off of me, also blushing I noticed that he saw my scar. Once he helped me up I was about to go my brother but Draco stopped me. "You look beautiful... (n/n)." Draco said as I looked at him, then I blushed and went to find Harry. Afterwards I had changed into my robes.

--Time Skip brought to you by my laziness--

We were waiting for Professor McGonagall's return as I was reading my book about the  history of Hogwarts when someone put their hand in front of my face. "I suggest you move that hand before I break it." I snapped at the person when I looked up it was none other then Draco himself... "Move it or lose it Draco." I said one more time closing my book. "You know him, (y/n)?" Harry asked. "Yeah I met him on the train earlier." I said still a little ticked off. Ron held back a laugh when Draco introduced himself and called me and Harry out by saying that we have come to Hogwarts and stuff like that. I have werewolf ears and tails I was cursed to be like this. We went to get sorted I was walking next to Draco. The professor started calling names one of my ears twitched my brother got into Gryffindor. "(Y/N) Potter?" I walked up to her and sat down. "Hmmm.... were to put you... I know GRYFFINDOR AND SLYTHERIN!!!!!" The hat said. Everyone was confused on what to do. I was so confused that once I got up I ran out of the Great Hall this was before the professor called his name. He ran after me once he had been sorted. O once he found me, ran over to me and hugged me and I was crying on his shoulder "You good now?" Draco asked worriedly. I nodded and then he hugs me again.

 ---Time Skip---

We were going back for dinner... well more like racing each other back to the. Once we got there I had went over to the Gryffindor table and Draco went over to the Slytherin table. I sat next to Harry and started to eat. "Hey... how are you holding up?" Harry asked and I smiled. "I'm doing great Harry." I said still smiling. I looked over at Draco and smiled... and he smiled back at me.

---Time Skip brought to you by Neville's bravery---

I was sitting next to Draco in transfiguration. I wrote something down it said 'meet me in the Slytherin common room. ~(f/i).P.' I gave Draco the note of course he read it I smiled at him and he smiled back and wrote something down on another piece of paper. He gave it to me and it said that he'll meet me there. That's when Harry and Ron came running in I was a little scared because Harry was going to get in trouble. Draco saw this and whispered to me "Don't worry the worse she'll do to them is taking away 10 points from Gryffindor." Draco whispered trying to cheer me up. I smiled at him and then got back to work.

---Time Skip brought to you by more laziness---

We were outside for the flying lesson and Neville, I guess got a cursed broom, ended up hurting his wrist and Draco took Neville's memorabilia. "Give it here, Draco!!!" I said getting a little mad at him for taking the memorabilia. "No I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find it." Draco said flying in to the sky "How 'bout on the roof." I flew after him and then he threw the memorabilia which I went after of course. I caught it and then flew down and everyone surrounded me. "(Y/N) Potter?!?!" Professor McGonagall said and I walked towards her and followed her to the DADA where she ask for Wood. Wood came out "Wood I have found you a Seeker." Professor McGonagall said smiling. I was so confused on what was happening but I just smiled at Wood and he smiled and stuck out his hand "hi I'm Oliver Wood you must be (y/n) Potter." Oliver said as I shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Oliver." I said smiling.

Hey, we hope you enjoyed the first chapter there will be a second chapter soon we're currently working on it we don't know when we'll have it done but be looking forward to it... well bye for now. PEACE AND LOVE ~~~CatJay & bamaxi.

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