My restaurant love story

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So, my name is Amy Jettings. I take a collage online and I work at a restaurant. It's name is Rockets. It's a fiftys style restaurant with bright neon lights. It's not fast food. At Rockets, there are about 17 other workers. I get along with them just fine except for Josh. He gets on my nerves. I mean, he's not annoying or mean or anything but he just brags about his perfect collage. His collage just so happens to be my rival one. Good for him that he got into collage but, he doesn't have to be like that. He doesn't even know that I don't like him, he thinks everyone loves him.He's totally stuck up.

Today's a Saturday so I have the day off. I have a friend and her baby over. "Amy, I have some advice for you. " My friend Zoey says. "Okay what is it?" I ask. " Don't have kids untill your married and done with collage. I love him to death but, I wish I would have waited." I know! She kept o telling me this. "I know! You told me! Anyway, are we going to the zoo or not?" I ask. " Yeah. Let me get my keys." She says as she looks around for them. "Here they are!" I exclaim holding them in front of her face. "Alright then let's go." I let Zoey walk in front of me. I close and lock the door and get in the front seat. It only takes about twenty minutes to get there. I look over and notice that Zoey had parenting books and baby movies everywhere. My family's advice is don't use those books and movies because on of my cousins did and he turned out to be a spoiled brat. While his brother didn't learn with the books and movies and he's one of the sweetest kids I know. "Why would yo buy this crap? I told you about my cousin ."

"Just because one kid turned out like that doesn't mean my baby will."

" That's what my aunt and uncle thoght. But it happened to them."

"Can we just drop it Amy?"

"Okay, why are you so cranky?"

"I'm too old to be cranky. I'm mad beacuse you said my baby was going to be a spoiled little brat."

"I never said that directly. " I say.

"But you said it, anyways we're here so lets just drop it.

"Okay." I say as I walk to the gate. I didn't say that her baby was going to really turn out like that. I look at the prices of admission. It says......

Kids three and under get in free.

Kids ages Four-twelve get in for $10.00

Adults ages thirteen+ get in for $25.00

Wow! I can't believe it costs so much. And do you know what else I don't understand? If you go somewhere that is very expensive then thirteen is means your an adult. When you go to a government thing, your an adult once you turn thirteen. But, when you get home you never get the privileges that adults to. Like voting. Every adult can vote right so why can't a thierteen year old do it if they have to pay extra for expensive crap? I give money to the man even if it's robbing me blind. We walk in to the zoo. It was beautiful really with all it's foutains and perfect grass. I've never been to a zoo before. "So what animals are we going to see first? " I ask.

"Um...... I'd say ghe hippos. " Zoey says as we walk West.

"Okay." I add. I see the hipos. They were cool to see but kinda boring, and it began to get hotter by the second. We saw about all the animals when I ask Zoey....

"It's so hot! Can we go?"

" No, Jessica likes it."

"She's a baby! She won't even remeber it!"

" I'm so done with you critizing my baby!"

" It's a fact that she won't remember it!"

" Fine I'll drive you home since we took my car. "

"Thank you. " I say.

About ten minutes later I'm home. I look at the clock and it's already 6. I still had to cook dinner. I was going to make chicken Alfredo but it's too late. I just order a pizza. I turn on my laptop. I have to study for a killer math exam. I hate math. I know I'll need it but I absolutely hate it. I study

for about twenty minutes then I hear a knock at the door. It's my pizzas here. I eat and then I study for about 3 hours. I go off to bed. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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