Am I gay?

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Taehyung's Pov

"Hey, Jackson, how did you know you were gay?" I asked innocently as I slightly tilted my head. "OMG, are you questioning your sexuality?! IM A PROUD DADDY TELL ME EVERY EVERY DETAIL! " he said springing out of his seat squealing and jumping slightly. "So, who, what, when, where, how?" Yugeom asked sitting down on the couch, landing elegantly and softly with his legs crossed. "well, I had this *cOuGh* erotic *CoUgH* dream about Jungkook, I woke up like 5 minutes into the dream, when I did wake up, I fell on my boner" I said as 'oh's' and 'oof's' came from the boys sitting in front of me. "Jungkook came rushing from our gym to help me and he had been sweating which did not help my situation downstairs, and I ran into the bathroom," I said. "Well, did you think he looked cute or hot?" Jackson said softly. "well if I have to say... DAYUM I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO BE SQUISHED BY HIS THINK THIGHS, LIKE, DAYUM, LEMME SMASH, PAPI CHULO, FUCKING HELLLLLLLLL, HE LOOKED HAWT AS HELL, TAKE ME DOWN DADDY, 10/10 BITCH, HE  DOES BOTH BUT IN THAT MOMENT I WOULD HAVE LET HIM TAKEN ME ON THAT VERY SECOND, LIKE GIVE ME YOU 8 INCH DICK PAPI." I said springing off the bed." well, honey, you should have run into the closet, am I riteeee" Jackson said, facing yugeom to ask him a for a high five, yugeom gives Jackson a high five then claps his hands while squealing excitedly.

"Does this mean I'm gay?" I ask slowly, interrupting the guys' celebratory dances. "Well, it depends on your personal preferences." Jackson says looking to Yugeom for approval, Yugeom nodding his head slowly. "if you like boys and girls, you could be bisexual. If you like only boys, you're gay.if you have no regard as of biological sex, gender, or gender identity, you are pansexual. If you aren't sure, you could be queer "(a/n hey, I'm queer and I'm here XD)

"well, I did have a celebrity crush on Hyuna but that was years ago. " I said looking down. "honey, you are in for a rude awakening but, she's a lesbian. Plus, anyone could have celebrity crushes." well, I'm gay because I'm not into girls."

"WE SHOULD HAVE A COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET PARTY! WE COULD LITERALLY HAVE YOU GET IN THE CLOSET THEN COME OUT!" Jackson said jokingly as he gives out the last chuckle before looking at my terrified face. "hey, whats wrong?" says Jackson and yugeom as they come and give me a hug. "What if jungkook isn't gay? what if he's homophobic?" I say looking worryingly at Jackson and at yugeom. "I honestly don't think he is, and if he is, there are plenty of fish in the sea" yugeom says calmly while he rubs my back gently. "actually there aren't lots of fish in the sea metaphorically, they actually said that the numb-" Jackson says while yugeom shakes his head, motioning him to stop and to comfort his friend who is currently on the verge of tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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