Family Introductions

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"Okay, everybody head on in," Harry says as he opens the door to see a room full of bunk beds and they all file in to pick a bed to sleep in.

"This is the same room we use," Scorpius says poking Rose's cheek as he sits on his chosen bottom bunk. "And this is where I sleep."

"What do you mean?" Draco asks as he and Harry sit on the bottom bunk next to his while Rose heads up to sleep on the top bunk of Scorpius's bunk. Then out of no where Lily appears and sits in Harry's lap making him smile.

"Well, almost every Friday all the family at Hogwarts come in here and have a sleepover. It's huge and I don't know how we haven't been caught yet," Scorpius chuckles as he lays down on the bed and looks at his dads.

"Wait, how many kids are there?" Ron says as he stood next to the bunk with Hermione next to him with a questioning look as well.

"Counting us?" Rose asks from above and everyone nods so she goes quiet to think about it. "There are 13 kids in total but right now there are only 7 at Hogwarts so he was exaggerating a bit."

"Wow," Ron says a bit shocked at the total because of how large his family will grow over the years. "Can you tell us their names and parents?"

"Of all of them or just those at Hogwarts?" Scorpius asks wondering to which Ron says all of them.

"Oh, I also want to know what houses you all are in and what years you all are," Hermione says at the last second before they starts to talk.

Scorpius nods in understanding before he starts to talk. "Okay, so I'm in Slytherin while Rosie up there is in Gryffindor," he stops for a second as she swings down and sticks her tongue out at him and he can't help but smile. "we're first years. Teddy was in Hufflepuff but is 19 now. Then there is Victoire who is a 7th year in Ravenclaw and she is Fluer and Bill's oldest child. Their second oldest is Dominique who is a 2nd year in Ravenclaw. Their youngest who isn't in Hogwarts until next year is Louis."

"Go big brother," Ron cheers laughing at himself while the others just roll their eyes laughing as well.

"Next we have Molly who is a 3rd year in Gryffindor and is the oldest of Audrey and Percy's two kids. Their second kid is Lucy and she is a 1st year in Hufflepuff," Scorpius takes a pause trying to remember the remaining details but continues smiling as Ron's smile continues to grow. Scorpius likes this Ron because in the future he is usually really busy as Auror so he sighs a lot. "The oldest of George and Angelina's kids are Fred II who is a 2nd year in Gryffindor. His little sister is Roxanne who is a 1st year Gryffindor as well."

There is a long pause of silence and confusion frowns on Rons face causing Scorpius to begin to sweat. "What about Fred and Ginny?" He asks and Rose swings down to look into Scorpius's eyes worried. He looks at her so she knows that she needs to tell him but she doesn't want to so he gestures to lie.

"Um, well he didn't have any kids and Ginny travels a lot and hasn't settled down yet," Rose says as she returns to her position on the top bunk.

Ron looks back and forth between Scorpius and Rose but eventually gives up asking a question instead, "Oh, does mom still make sweaters for everyone?"

"Yeah, you wanna know something funny, we are actually on Christmas vacation right now," Scorpius says chuckling at the coincidence of the question. "I didn't think Rosie's house could hold all of us but it did and I was impressed."

"Are you on the Quidditch team?" Draco asks randomly though he was still a little shocked that they were invited over for a Weasley Christmas though since he eventually marries Harry he is probably considered part of the family.

"Yeah, but Rosie is better than I am," Scorpius answers scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment at the shock on his dads' faces that he had just admitted that.

"I am so telling everyone that you said that," Rose chuckles as she looks at him again and he pretends to glare at her but when she disappears a large grin appears on his face.

"How are you a Slytherin? I didn't think a Slytherin could ever say anything like that," Harry says staring at him in shock but a proud smile on his lips. Scorpius just shrugs then opens his mouth to respond but Rose appears and glares at him.

"Don't," She states angry that his mind always seems to go to that thought when the fact of him in Slytherin is brought up.

"What?" Hermione asks setting Hugo on the top bunk with Rose as he starts to fall asleep in her arms though they had grown tired and can't continue to hold him.

Scorpius now stares at Rose as he continues to speak but she glares at him. "People like to make rumors about me being Voldemort's kid. Since I'm in Slytherin and Dad has the scar which was a part of Voldemort and Father has the mark. They just add to the flames but with the help from others," he gestures to Rose. "they usually end up regretting what they say."

Harry, Draco, Ron, and Hermione are shocked as they just kind of stare at him. Kids can be so cruel, they all knew that much. "I wonder if I'll be in Slytherin," James says from atop the bunk bed that his dads were sitting on.

"I doubt it," Rose said laughing and rolling her eyes at him.

"Why not?" He says pouting at her but he didn't appear to really care where he went.

"Father says you are too much like dad, and I agree you are a total Gryffindor," Scorpius says to which James sticks his tongue out at him.

Draco starts chuckling grabbing everyone's attention except for the two little ones who are asleep. Lily is sitting in Harry's lap clutching his shirt as if scared he is going to disappear. "So, are you considered to be like Draco?" Ron asks Scorpius but he shakes his almost immediately.

"No, I'm more like a mix of them. She on the other hand," Scorpius said pointing at Lily in Harry's lap. "is a mini Father but will probably be a Ravenclaw because she is so bloody smart. But she is a total Daddy's girl."

"I wonder where she got that from," Hermione says looking at Draco and almost starts laughing when she sees his shocked face looking at her. He's still a bit shocked at how well they are taking the news that him and Harry are married in the future. "How are you handling the idea of marrying Harry?"

"I-um," Draco doesn't really know what to say as he looks at Harry who is staring at him wondering the same thing. "Do we have to talk about this now?"

Rose then chooses to change the topic, "So, are you guys sleeping in here tonight?"

They all look at each other wondering if they should to which they silently come to an agreement. "Yeah, so we can keep an eye on all of you guys," Hermione says smiling when a yawn is heard from Rose making Hermione chuckle. "And you guys seem tired so you should get some sleep."

"Which bed to choose?" Ron said walking away with Hermione following and they choose the bunk across from Rose and Scorpius's bunk. Ron is on the top because Hermione had pushed him out of the bottom.

"I uh," Harry said looking at Draco then at Lily who didn't seem to want to let go. "I'll just sleep here than."

Draco just nods seeming a little reluctant to move from Harry's side but eventually claims the bottom bunk on the other side of Harry's bunk. "Goodnight everyone," Hermione says as the lights go out.

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