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salaam brothers and sister...
if you wants to know about Islam then you have to read this book ....
Its about imam hussain and the sacrifices he made in karbala...

but i will start it from the time when Muhammad( peace be upon him and his family become prophet).....
and why imam hussain has to face such a mercilessness misery and also has to sacrifice  so much....
if you want to know you can read it....
be it a Christian ,atheist,hindu,or monotheist....
you're welcome to read this book.....

The period preceding the rise of islam is commonly known as jahiliya (which means age of ignorance ).The period was so-called ,because the political ,religious and social condition of arabia were worst. The pre-Islamic arabas had no inspired prophet ,no revealed book, no clear -cut religious ideology and they had no idea of the system of government ,no idea of moral and descent life.

The pre-Islamic period was the darkest age in human history .
it was a time of ignorance and anarchy in the religious and social life in the world.
The political ,social and cultural life developed by the peoples of ancient world was shattered by the barbarians . The people had forgotten the ideal of  their religion . Morality had fallen at low ebb. corruption ,intolerance ,persecution and wrangling of creeds and sects prevailed everywhere. Greatest anarchy prevailed in social life of the arabs. there was no ideal morality or discipline in the society . Adultery was common among the pre-Islamic arabs. Sons could marry their  mother or daughter married their father.

Men and women could have full liberty with their opposites. Human beings are sacrificed to propitiate gods. Father sometimes killed their children for fear of poverty .

The position of the women was very degrading in arab society . They were treated as chattels and with contempt . The birth of a female child was considered a great sin a curse in the family .
And she was often buried alive by heartless father....
women could not have any share of the property of the husbands or the fathers in a word, no status in the society .
Slavery, in its worst form, prevailed in the arab society ; the master can put his slave to death...

mostly the worst thing in age of ignorance was that , the birth of the girl was considered a great sin and also a disgrace to the family. arab people often buried their daughter alive. Some father prided themselves for burying their daughter alive.

female infanticide was common in the time of jahiliyah arabia.

it was all before prophet , he was not even born at that time.

why you people may ask why did they bury their daughter alive ?

well let me tell you it was because of the fear of dowry.
when girl gets married the boy's family took anything from the girls house be it a jewelry money or anything expensive.

and the girls family couldn't stop them, because it was a costume they had to follow.

this was the biggest reason why they prefer male child over female child.
because they used to think that one day when their daughter will get married, they have to give up money clothes or jewelries ...
That why it was called the age of ignorance .
it was because of illiteracy , people used to believe that a girl child was a bad omen.
she will bring nothing but a bad luck.

There were different beliefs of the people of jahiliya arabia as far as the concept of creator was concerned . Some people acknowledge neither the creator nor reward and punishment . some were convinced of the existence of  the creator but not of reward and punishment and the day of judgement .
however there were also people though few who had a belief in one god but they didn't know the way of worshipping him.
There were people who worshipped stars. As the majority of the people of jahiliyah arabia werw pagans i.e idol worshippers .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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